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Mr. Shue smiles and lifts the Nationals trophy.

The New Directions cheer before leaving the bus. He leads them to the front doors of their school and all is quiet. Suspiciously quiet.

They walk in further and see students simply watching them. Two hockey players approach them with slushy cups and throw them but instead of cold half frozen drinks, it's confetti.

The glee club is pleasantly surprised. The school begins clapping and cheering for them.

As they move to the choir room, everyone is congratulating them and two girls even accost Rory and kiss him.

They make it to the headquarters and Mr. Shue breaks out sparkling juice and red solo cups and every kid begins celebrating. He turns on music and puts the trophy in the case with the others.

Puck and Finn go to find Rick, who is much better now if with permanent body aches and a bit of damage, because the angry youth had bet the tall quarterback $100 that the group would lose.

It's really satisfying for the best friends to watch the jackass count out his entire month's allowance.

Afterwards, Puck goes to his geography teacher to tell her that he means to pass his retake and make her proud.


"What are we going to do?" Mercedes brushes her hair.

"Who's we and do for what?" Marcy brushes her own hair.

"All of us. This weekend."

"You're not being specific enough. I don't read minds."

"Don't you though?" Quinn puts in a ladybug barrette.

Marcy gives her a sour look as she makes a design in her hair and slides in diamond bobby pins.

Quinn smiles. "Please?"

"Who is all of us?!"

"The glee club."

"Why would I want to be bothered with you all? I have spouses I never see."

"They can come."

"Come where?!"

"Wherever you decide."

"I'm planning a picnic for us. Us!"

"I love picnics!" Tina speaks up.

Marcy huffs. "I'm going on a picnic tomorrow at City Square Park. If you come, I won't trip."

"That's an invitation." Quinn is happy.

"It is." Karen grins. "What are you making?"

"Sandwiches!" Marcy is horrified.

Karen laughs. "What kind of sandwiches?"

"Get away from me, KayBee."

Mari giggles. "Don't be that way, Marcy."

"I'm leaving. I don't have time for you wanches."

"Wanches?" Brittany's seriously confused.

"Yup." Marcy sails out of the girls bathroom.

The rest of the girls in glee club follow. "Don't leave us!"

"But I gotta."

They giggle.

It's picture day so the girls go to stand in line for their pictures. They have to take club pictures, team pictures and class pictures.

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