The Truth Shall Set You Free

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It's almost 9. Where are they?! Sam silently fumes. He's been waiting for three hours. He paces in the shadows the tree in Mercedes' front yard makes.

A black truck pulls up to the curb so Sam hides behind the tree. He can hear two voices clearly.

"Thanks. I had a really good time and I forgot all about Sam and school." Sam hears Mercedes' musical tones.

Puck's deep baritone follows. "No problem, Mama."

Sam sneers. It's quiet for a minute. What are they doing?

Sam peeks around the trunk of the tree. They're kissing! He almost picks up a rock to throw but suppresses the urge.

"I gotta go." She pries her lips from Puck's.

"I'll meet you by your locker tomorrow." Puck gives her one last kiss before she climbs out of the cab. He waits until she's at the front door before driving away.

Sam steps from behind the tree. "Mercy."

Mercedes swirls around to face him with her hand on her chest and her eyes wide. "Sam, you scared me to death!"

He puts his hands up. "I didn't mean to. I just wanted to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you." She looks away from him.

"Because you want to spend all your time talking to Puck?"

"Puck and I are none of your business! And let me tell you something-" She steps off the porch ready to tell him exactly what she thinks of him but he meets her halfway and kisses her.

When he lets go, she's speechless. "That's what I thought. What we have is real and Puck is barely a rebound."

"No. You can't do this. How dare you treat me like... like garbage after I poured my heart out to you then kiss me like I'm not supposed to be mad at you?!" She waves her hands empathically. "Hell to the no!"

"Can I please just explain? Let me take you somewhere and I'll tell you everything. I'll answer all of your questions."

Mercedes shuffles her feet for a moment. "My curfew's in an hour."

"We can be back by then."

"My car's right there." She points to the purple Prius.

"I'll drive."

"Do you even have an Ohio license?" She shakes her head in disbelief.

"Yeah! I didn't get a new one in Kentucky so it's still good."

"But you live with Finn and Kurt now. Isn't the address wrong?"

Sam pulls out his wallet. "No, they just sent me a sticker with the new address on it."

"Oh. Well I'll go grab my car keys and tell my parents I'll be home before ten."

He blows out a breath.

She slams the door, coming back from the house and crosses the yard quickly. She tosses him keys. "Heads up."

He catches them in one hand and strides to her car, where he opens the passenger door for her.

"Thank you."

"I am your knight." He skirts the hood of the car and gets in.

"Where are we going?" She buckles in.

He starts the engine and backs out of her driveway. "Lookout Pointe."

"That's such a stupid name. It's not even a cliff."

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