Tales of the Darkside

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"I don't have anything planned." Puck admits.

"That's okay. We can just hang at home." Mercedes holds out her hand.

He grasps it. "I want to do something special with you. You had a picnic with Evans. I know how much you like those. And then you had that movie sleepover with Q. I know how you like your girl time. I want to do something special with you, too."

"Um... I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"Wanna go to the mall?"

"You hate the mall!" She giggles.

"I hate shopping but I'd do anything if I got to do it with you." He shrugs.

"How about we go to As the Page Turns? Remember the last time we went there?"

"The bookstore? Yeah. It really made me feel better."

"I just knew I had to get you out of the house! You were getting a little ripe." She waves her hand in front of her nose playfully.

"Hey! You lied! You said you needed that book!"

"I did!" She exclaims. "Three months later."

"Uh huh! C'mon." Puck walks her to the old bookshop, opening the door for her.

She takes a deep breath. "It smells like knowledge in here."

"Do you say that all the time or just when you're with me?"

"All the time!" Drew Herbert says, walking over to the two teens.

"Hi, Mr. Herbert!" Mercedes waves. "I brought Puck again. Remember him?"

"The kid with the Mohawk? Bought an Edgar Allen Poe novel? Said he never heard of him and you nearly fainted?" Mr. Herbert winks. "I don't think so, dear."

The kids laugh. "This is him. We're on a date and we thought this would be a great place to go for it." Mercedes squeezes Puck's hand.

"You think an old bookstore is a great date place?" Mr. Herbert asks incredulously. "She must have come up with that idea!"

Puck laughs. "She did but I still think it's a great idea. The last time we were here, amazing things happened."


Mercedes huffed. "Puck, please come with me! Your mom said you haven't gotten outta bed for three days! I'm too freaked to go by myself."

Puck eyed her hatefully. "It's the mall. How scared can you be?!"

"They don't have it at the mall." Mercedes practiced this lie without regret. "I already went and they were sold out."

Puck opened his mouth to suggest another alternative but she cut him off. "I called all over but this bookstore is the only place that has a copy and they only have one left! I really have to get this. I have to keep up with my reading list or I'll get an F before I even get back to school!"

"Fine!" Puck threw himself off his bed and grabbed some clothes. He headed to the shower. "You owe me!"

Mercedes breathed a sigh of relief and went downstairs to talk to his mother.

"Is he up?" Nadine Puckerman cocked an ear. "I hear the shower. Thank you so much, Mercy!"

"It's no problem." Mercedes sat at the kitchen table. "Is he eating?"

Mrs. Puckerman shook her head. "Not since you made dinner for us nearly four days ago. I wish I could make him but I can't even be around as much as he needs."

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