A Club Divided

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"Hey, Mercy!" Quinn runs to catch her friend. "Wait up!"

Mercedes waits for Quinn before setting off for her locker again. "Hey."

"Hey." Quinn bites her lip.

"What's wrong, Quinn?" Mercedes reaches her locker and puts in the combination.

"Nothing's wrong per se." Quinn leans against the locker next to Mercedes'.

"Then spit it out, girl!" Mercedes takes out her things for her morning classes and puts them in her backpack. She throws her coat on the hook inside her locker and hangs her purse over it to rifle through it more easier. "You're acting like you have to testify!"

"In a way I do." Quinn takes a deep breath. "Puck and I teamed up."

Mercedes stills. "What?" I can't possibly be hurt! Her eyes mist but she blinks back the tears, pastes on a smile and turns to give Quinn a bright smile. "I'm happy for you guys."

"No! No, Merce! It's not like that!" Quinn waves her hands to show that wasn't what she meant. "We're not together romantically. At least not for each other. Oh my! I'm explaining this wrong!"

Mercedes takes her cell phone and puts it in her back pocket and closes her locker. "I really don't understand." She leans against the hard metal.

"I mean we teamed up to have you." Quinn knows that sounds awful but it's as honest and not confusing as she can get it.

"Have me?" Mercedes is totally lost.

"I know you are having a hard time with choosing between Puck and Sam and I'm telling you that we could enter a thruple. Me, you and Puck. We had a good time on Saturday. It could be like that all the time." Quinn holds her breath.

Mercedes raises an eyebrow. "That's crazy! Why would you want to enter a thruple?! You can't stand Puck!"

"I can stand him when you're around. And you were right. He does have good qualities. Qualities that I think are better than Sam's."


"No! Hear me out. It'll be like before but serious this time. I think this could work."

"Before was different!" Mercedes stops. "How? How could this work? We're straight." Quinn gives Mercedes a look. "What about Sam? I still love him. After everything that happened, I don't want to let him go."

"Let who go?" A voice behind Quinn asks. "Puckzilla?"

Quinn scowls. "Not even. Puck is very much in."

"Hey, Santana!" Mercedes greets her TroubleTone sibling. "Quinn has just lost her mind! She thinks we should be in a thruple!"

"I guess postpartum gave her a few good ideas, Wheezy. I think a thruple is a lovely idea!" Santana tosses her head.


"Think about it, Aretha. Me, you and Sam. It could work!" Santana cajoles.

"You? Sam? What is going on with my friends?!" Mercedes slaps her hands over her ears.

Santana grins. "I thoughtfully suggested we have a battle of wills." She shrugs as if it's no big deal.

"A battle of wills? Am I not a human being anymore?!" Mercedes pulls down her hands. It's not like they're blocking Santana's words anyway.

"Of course you are, honey!" Quinn puts an arm around her waist. "In fact, you're the best human being we know. So much in fact that we kinda want you to ourselves."

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