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Mercedes sets her and Puck's lunches inside her locker and goes through her morning routine.

A particularly unwelcome visitor sneaks up behind her. "Hot to trot Jones."

Mercedes flinches when she hears Rick "the Stick" Nelson's voice. She's never liked him. "Go away, Rick."

"Come on. Can't I get in line?" He comes around to stand in front of her. "Plump little bird gets around. I just want my turn."

"If you don't back up, I'll be getting my turn. With you." Santana's voice delights Mercedes and momentarily startles Rick.

But he recovers quickly as she comes to stand in front of him, between him and Mercedes. "You can join the party. Never had my turn with you either. Or the blonde. We could have us a little siesta."

"It's "fiesta", you moron and the only party we'll have is your going away party. So go away."

"Look, you dyke-!"

Rick is pushed from behind but into the lockers. "I think you owe the lady an apology."

Both Santana and Mercedes are shocked to see Puck, albeit for different reasons. Mercedes knows he's always late for school while Santana doesn't understand why he's defending her. "Puck?"

"Puckerman." Rick sneers as he straightens.

"Back off, Nelson. You're all alone and you know I'll whoop your ass. Walk away." Puck growls.

Rick glares at him before including the girls. "This ain't over." He stalks off.

Mercedes waits for him to be gone before throwing herself on Puck while he's still trying to ask if they're alright. "Thank you so much, Puck!"

"Yeah." Santana remembers why she used to sleep with him. Although he's very good-looking, Puck isn't a bad person and when he considers you worthy of his protection, he stops at nothing to give it. "Thanks."

He shrugs. "He shouldn't have called you that. You're gay. There isn't anything wrong with that."

Santana says nothing, remembering a similar conversation with someone else that went along those lines.

"I really don't like that boy." Mercedes notices Santana is quiet and says this to cover it up.

"That's cuz ya got taste." Puck taps her nose.

She giggles. "Remember how I said I'd make you lunch?"

"You said it yesterday. I don't have that bad a memory."

She giggles again. "I made you lunch!"

Santana snaps out of her introspective reverie. "Hey!"

"You didn't ask for lunch."

Santana means for Sam but she would never turn down food. "I want lunch. I demand a Lovans lunch."

Mercedes giggles. "Okay, fine. I'll see about next week."

"You're lucky it's Thursday."


"What do you think?" Mercedes waits until Puck takes everything out of his lunch-box.

He laughs. "Thanks, Mama! You threw down!"

"Making sandwiches?"

"He's showing gratitude." Quinn pats her hand. "We've talked about this. Accept it."

Mercedes huffs with an eye-roll. "Thank you, Noah."

Puck's lips twitch even though he's still stuck on her using his given name. "You welcome, Mama."

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