Hotel California Part I

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Mercedes is still scared to come from her room. She knows Sully is somewhere in the house.

She hears something at her door and opens it nervously but it's Secret. "Hi, boy. Is he near?"

Secret grumps before grabbing her hand gently between his teeth.

She realizes he's escorting her down to breakfast. He must not trust Sully either... She takes her hand to pet him then follows him down to the kitchen. She sets the shaking Ozzie (he's still scared of Secret!) on the floor and goes to open the patio door.

Ozzie runs out.

Mercedes washes her hands and says good morning to Mrs. Gonzales. She sits at the table to eat.

Marcy and Mal come in with the twins and Sully. They put the babies in their high-chairs and he sits. Marcy gets food for her animals.

Sully eats like he's never had a meal.

Marcy gives him a bit more.

Mrs. Gonzales gulps as she tells the newcomers good morning. The two human parents respond accordingly.

Dr. Jones and Marc walk in while Marcy's washing her hands.

Marcus stops when he sees the wolf. "What is that?"

"Daddy, Sully's a who, not a what. That's rude." Marcy dries her hands.

Dr. Jones can't catch his breath for a second as Sully notices him and growls.

"No, Sully. This is Daddy. Daddy is good."

Sully turns up his snout. Marcus is flabbergasted. "Where did Sully come from?"

"I don't know. We were on a farm yesterday and he just appeared."

"Like Satan in a puff of smoke." Mal bites off.

Sully growls back.

Secret stands in front of the rugby player.

Dr. Jones sighs. "Does it- er... Sully have all his shots?"

"Mercy gave me the name of her vet and I'm taking him during lunch." Marcy plays with Mickey.

Marcus stays far away from the beast.


"How'd you sleep knowin that thing was there?" Puck whispers as if Sully can hear him.

Mercedes shakes her head. "I didn't get a wink of sleep! I was so scared he was going to break the door down or eat them in their sleep!"

"That's why I slept at home." Quinn sniffs.

"Thanks a lot, Q!"

"He seems like the type to pee in your shoes."

Mercedes almost has a heart-attack but Mike speaks up. "I bet his urine is like acid."

Tina giggles. "He really scares me."

"Me too." Sam admits. "Secret is nicer."

"I bet money that wolf is gonna eat all those animals." Puck swears.

"Whatchu whisperin bout?!" Artie says loudly, scaring the six.

"Ahh!" They yell.

Santana snickers. "Scared ya?"

"We're sorry." Brittany apologizes.


Artie chuckles. "For real. Why y'all huddled up, whisperin?"

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