Hotel California Part V

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Mercedes opens the door to her home. She knows Marcy has skipped school altogether and wants to make sure she's at least eaten something.

Mal comes up behind her. "Hey, Sis."

"Mal." Mercedes hugs him. "Did she call you?"

"No. I just wanted to see how she was. Q said she still hadn't shown up."

"She didn't." She lets him go.

"Crap." He shuts the door behind himself.

"I was going to make her lunch. Want to bring it to her?"

He nods. "Let me make sure she's actually here though."

"Okay." Mercedes goes to the kitchen and sees Mrs. Gonzales prepping for dinner. "Hi."

"Hola, Señorita Mercy." The older woman looks at her in pity.

Mercedes opens her mouth and a scream rings out. But it didn't come from her.

The two look at each other as yelling happens then race to the front hall. Mercedes goes up the stairs and into Marcy's room and sees a sight she'd never have expected.

Marcy and Alicia on her bed, covered in sheets and shiny; Mal pacing in front of them, angry and hurt.

"What's going on?!" Mercedes knows some of what's going on.

Marcy looks at her. "What do you think? I just cheated on him."

"I have a name." He wants her to say it.

She says nothing.

"I have a name. Say my name. I have a name." He's adamant about this.

She tries to harden her heart. "I cheated on you. Mal."

He stares her in the eyes and sees the only thing that matters to him; regret. "What's done is done."

"It is." Her lips barely move.

"You should go." He says to Alicia softly.

"I don't understand." Alicia Saunders admits in her thick Australian accent.

"I used you." Marcy murmurs with shame. "I ruin everything I touch."

"Marceline Anne, that's not true." Alicia puts a hand to her shoulder.

Mal clears his throat.

Alicia doesn't know whether to stand up to him or not. She ultimately moves her hand.

Marcy notices and feels cold. "I'm sorry. But you should go."

Alicia feels terrible. "But I came to see you."


Mercedes wants to ask if they'd spoken at all before tumbling back into bed but feels she knows the answer to that.

"Karou said you needed me." Alicia answers.

"What?!" All three siblings are confused.

"She rang me two days ago and said you were in trouble. That she was sorry for what happened between us and that this was my chance to save you."

I'm going to kill her... Both Mal and Marcy think but only Marcy speaks. "She was misinformed. I am in trouble but I'm unsaveable."

"That's not true!" The others shoot back.

"I can't be saved." Her shoulders sag. "I need to be alone. Please."

Mal's jaw is getting a workout. "Where are the twins?"

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