Part 1 - Another Two Week Notice

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Hi everyone! Thank you for choosing to read this book even though I'm not that great of a writer, but whatever I'm glad people are reading it. ANYWAYS, have fun reading my book and when you're finished with this one (if you haven't yet) go check out my other book! Thanks for reading!

" You're quitting? But I just hired you last week?!" I exclaim at my now-former employee, Brian, as he shakes in fear of what I might do next. Honestly, I did feel like punching the life out of him, but then that would just mean I would go to jail, and I definitely didn't want that to happen.

Why am I about to take the life of this young man you ask? Well, let's just say this person is one of the very few employees that I had left working with me at my grandfather's- my bakery, Eleanor's, and it's pissing me off. I mean, what's wrong about the bakery, it used to be a legend for its amazing cakes and pies, but now it's just.... it's just isn't like it used to be.

" I-I'm sorry! I really am, but the people from down the street- "

" Let me guess. Offered you better pay and a free stay at their beach house?"

" How did you know?"

" Because this will probably not be the first or the last time, they steal my employees!" I yell to where China could hear it and instantly regret it. No wonder so many people were leaving. Maybe it was not because the Grays' business was clearly better than mine, maybe it was just me.

" I'm sorry." I sigh, sitting back in my seat as I run my fingers through my hair. " I shouldn't have yelled.... you can leave now. Good luck with your new job." I say to him with a forced smile, and the boy awkwardly smiles back and quickly leaves.

I do not think this is what my grandpa had in mind when he gave me the opportunity to take over Eleanor's after he passed. It's just as if after my grandpa died no one seems to come here anymore, I mean, I've memorized all the recipes for each pie, cake, cupcake, cookie, everything, and yet I still don't get as many customers as Grandpa did. What am I doing wrong?

" Hey Chloe, I'm going to go ahead and put the macaroons in the oven......" my friend Harley trails off when she opens the door. Her curly golden-brown hair was tied up in a messy bun and she was covered in macaroon batter. She wasn't a new employee; she was actually one of the oldest ones. She started before I took over Eleanor's but even before she was employed at Eleanor's, my grandpa always let her learn how to bake along with me. We used to go to the bakery with my grandpa every Saturday and learn a new recipe. My favorite to make was always the connoncini alla crema. It's pretty much a cream-filled donut roll if that makes any sense. It was simple to make and best of all was delicious to eat. Anyways, Harley and I are not as close as we used to be, it's like since my grandpa passed were just not, but that's alright since I already have an amazing best friend. Don't get me wrong I would still do anything for Harley but as far as being super close with her I'm really not.

" Another two-week notice?" She asks and I nod in reply. My friend gives me a smile but I could see that this hurt her as much as it was hurting me to see that our favorite person's pride and joy was crumbling into ashes, or in this case, know, since it's a bakery and there's a lot of.....never mind bad joke.

" Hey, one day it'll get better, trust me," Harley tells me.

I shrug, " I really do hope so because right now our only everyday customer is Mike the homeless man."

" And what's wrong with that? He still loves the free strawberry cupcake that we always give him."

" That's probably because he isn't getting anything else. Besides, it probably won't be long until he also goes the Grays' bakery."

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