Part 31 - Please Believe Me

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Instead of Eli walking out of the back, Jasper enters with a smug smile planted on his face. We lock eyes for a second before Jasper turns to Leo and Rachel holding out a hand, " I'm sorry but Eli is feeling pretty sick at the moment so he went home early. Right, Chloe?"

Jasper looks back at me, his eyes daring me to do something else but I sigh in annoyance, " I am so sorry, I must have slipped my mind, " I say shooting silent death glares at Jasper, " This is my...friend-"

" Boyfriend, " Jasper corrects me.

" Not to them your not."

" So is he your boyfriend or not here Chloe?" Leo asks in confusion.

Rachel leans over to Leo, " I think they're dating. Their sexual tension is literally radiating off of them."

Jasper laughs while I choke on Rachel's words, surprised Nothing between Jasper and I screams 'sexual tension' when it comes to us. Sure, Jasper is pretty hot and could be a very successful model if he wanted to be, but I am never going to admit that to him. Not in a million years.

" We're not dating. It's a scam to get Chloe more popularity-"

" Shut up Jasper, no it's not, " I say giving him a warning look and Jasper looks right back at me, his big green eyes that every girl swoons over, testing to see if I'll look away.

" They're doing it again, " Rachel whispers to Leo and he chuckles.

Jasper finally looks away and I smile in triumph, knowing that I had just won the staring contest. I hear my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans and I pull it out to see I had gotten a text from Harley.

Harley: Where are you?

Everyone looks at me, confused and I laugh nervously. Did Harley know that I had left? I thought it would be fine that I left since she was with Aubrey...or did Aubrey leave her too? What if Harley got drunk? Pukes on? Assaulted? Shit, I am never going to see the daylight again if something happened to Harley.

Me: Oh shit. Did Aubrey not tell you that I had left?

Just then, I get another text but this time from Aubrey. Concerned, I tap on the notification and then read it.

Aubrey: I can't believe you. After all that I have done with you, and you have the audacity to keep secrets from me.

Aubrey: You knew that I have been in love with Eli for a very long time and yet you went behind me back to hang out with him. I don't even want to know what you did with him.

" Fuck, " I curse under my breath. Jasper leans to look over and see what is going on, " What the hell?" He says sounding just as confused as I am.

Me: I swear nothing happened please believe me.

I clicked send since I didn't know what else to type. I haven't exactly told her that Eli is working at Eleanor's yet and I feel that if I were to tell her now that might make it even worse.

Aubrey: You have a boyfriend. My brother!! He really likes you, ya know? Always talking about you to Eli when he comes over, and even goes out of his way to talk to you. You're a horrible person Aubrey Harper. I can't believe I let you be my best friend.

I wasn't sure if I should feel offended or overall panicked or confused. I wasn't even sure how she had found out. She had quickly left after I told her goodbye. I give out a small shriek and quickly type.

Me: I swear, Eli just needed help with a few things. I wouldn't ever do that to you or Jasper. I care about Jasper and I would never cheat on him or do ANYTHING with Eli that way.

Aubrey: Well the picture online says otherwise.

" What picture?" I murmur to myself and Jasper looks at me questionably.

Me: What picture? I didn't do anything with him please believe me!!

Should I tell her?

Aubrey: Consider our friendship over Chloe. You have lied to me, cheated on my brother, and literally went behind my back to sleep with the love of my life. You could have just told me that you liked him. You didn't have to go through all that trouble just to keep from me getting hurt.

Me: I'm telling the truth, Aubrey. Why won't you believe me

Aubrey: Unless you have a better excuse than just saying 'helping him with a few things' I'll believe you.

I hope this works.

Me: I'll need to talk to you later. Somewhere we can talk face to face. You have to understand Aubrey, I've known you for almost three years. I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you.

Aubrey: I'll talk to you on Sunday at 7:00. If you don't have a good explanation then I will tell Jasper.

Me: Fine.

" Tell me what?" Jasper asks, still looking over my shoulder at my screen.

I sigh putting up my phone in my back pocket, " Just people being dramatic, " I say with a long sigh and all three people look at me confused.

I look up at them and give them a slight smile, " I'm going to go home. It was nice to meet you, Rachel, and nice to see you again Leo, " I turn to Jasper, " Do you think you can close up tonight?"

Jasper puts a hand on my shoulder, " Are you alright? Did something happen?"

I shake my head, " Nothing really. Tell Eli that I apologize for troubling him."

" Huh?"

" See you guys later, " I say and walk out the door. Leaving everyone with many unanswered questions.

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