Part 22 - Impatient Ass

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" Mr. Gray. Nice to see you again." I say with a smile, standing up and out of my seat to go shake his hand. The man smiles, wrinkles appearing on the corners of his mouth and eyes, meaning its a sincere smile, and then takes my hand and shakes it firmly.

" I'm so happy to see you hear Ms. Chloe, and that you're now dating my dear son. I was so happy yet concerned to find those videotapes of you and my son....uh...well."

My cheeks heat up at what he meant and I could hear Jasper cough behind me. I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder and look behind me to see Jasper tighten his arms around my waist all the while glaring at his father.

I've never seen him this guarded before, not even when he would get into fights at parties- which I have only seen once but heard many stories about- and I couldn't help but wonder what is going on between the two of them. Mr. Gray seemed like a nice man, and the only reason I could think of was the bakery but I have a big suspicion that Mrs. Gray has more to do with that then Jasper's father does.

" I would rather talk about other things than me and my girlfriend' love life...father, " Jasper says still giving his further a glare even, his father returning it with the same look.

Jasper did sound just as uncomfortable as I feel too. Talking about a fake relationship and talking about thanks.

I soon calm my self and I put a hand over Jasper's own, who was still hugging me from behind, and feel him relax against me. Whatever went on or is going on between these two is probably not something I should ask them about. It seemed too serious to be nosy...even though I am literally dying to know on the inside.

A man maybe in his thirties peaks through the door and everyone turns around to face him. He was wearing a white t-shit tucked into some black slacks, his hair nicely combed, " Dinner will be ready in a few minutes," he says with a thick Australian accent.

" Alright, thank you Edgar," Mr. Gray says, and Edgar turns back around and closes the door behind him.

Jasper let's go of my waist, making me shiver from how cold it was without Jasper clinging onto me as if it were a life or death situation. Instead, he sat back down on the couch and urges me to come over and sit next to him. I do, and go and sit down next to Jasper, propping my feet up on his lap.

His parents take the hint and leave us in the living room in an awkward silence.

" So....what are we having for dinner?" I ask Jasper, looking over at him.

" Only your favorite," he says with a smirk.

My eyes grow big and I gasp, "Nachos?"

" Aubrey told us that your favorite food was steak and fries. She says that you always get it when you go out to eat."

" I wish, I'm too broke to do that. Also, that's my second favorite. When will it be ready, I'm getting impatient."

" Jeez who knew you could be so picky. Actually that's mys second favorite blah, blah, blah."

I punch Jasper in the arm but all he does was smile even more.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

Jasper chuckles, " You're cute when you're mad, but also an impatient ass-"

" And you're, you're just annoying."

" Ouch Chlo bear, that stings a bit."

" Good. You deserve it for burning that batch of croissants the other day."

" Like I said! I looked it up and it said to bake it longer than it actually was supposed to be."

" But do you realise how you burned it?" I say, sounding as if I was a first grade teacher trying to explain why the student got the question wrong.

" Becuase it was at the wrong heat."

" Good job. I'm glad that I agreed to let Eli work at Eleanor's though. He is way better bakery-"

" Yeah, yeah I get it. Eli's amazing and I am nothing."

" I wouldn't say nothing."

Jasper smiles, his eyes lighting up while doing so, " Then what am I chlo?"

" Hmm, last time I had checked... annoying."

Jasper scoffs running a hand through his hair, " Whatever you say boss."

" Please don't call me that," I say and roll my eyes.

" Why? What would you rather be called babe?"

" How about Chloe, the most amazing and fantastic person you will ever lay your eyes on."

" Well someone has an ego."

" I guess you've been rubbing off on me."

" There's a lot more that I can do to you then-"

" Shut up Jasper."

" Make me."

" Guys, dinner is ready," Aubrey says popping her head I  though the door leads to the hallway.

" Finally," Jasper and I say in unison and we give eachother odd looks then start laughing.

" Now I understand why y'all are together. You are both idiots."

Jasper shrugs, " Or we could just be acting like we're dating and we're just great actors."

I give Jasper a look saying, shut the hell up Jasper! But he only smiles.

Aubrey shakes her head, " If that were true then you guys wouldn't always be constantly flirting and staring at eachother."

" W-we don't do that," I argue.

Aubrey chuckles, " Sure you don't Chloe-bear."

" Oh not you too!"

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