Part 10 - Is That the Best Insult You Got?

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As soon as Eli and I stepped into the house I had instantly regretted it. The foul smell of alcohol and weed-filled the room that I couldn't help but gag at the sent. Eli didn't seem affected by it though, he almost seemed eager to get a beer or something of that nature and get on the dance floor, but for some reason, he just stood there, as if he was waiting for me to do something first.

" Wanna get a drink?" Eli asks, gesturing towards the kitchen.

" Uh, sure," I answer and we head to the kitchen.

The kitchen was huge, with a large silver fridge and giant, shiny, chandelier in the middle of it. I swear, how do people afford such fancy things in their homes? Of course, they were people all around us sucking each other's faces like fish or getting drunk off of shots out of guy's belly button, a bunch of people crowding around to watch taking videos or seeing it in awe. Sadly, the lights were off so I was having trouble spotting the non-alcoholic drink, but I didn't seem to find any for me. Water it is.

Stepping away from Eli for a bit I walk over to the table to find empty red solo cups stacked upon each other and take one, then head towards the fridge nearly knocking into Aubrey as she stares off into the distance.

" Watch where you're going you bi- oh wait it's you," Aubrey exclaims.

" Yeah, it's me. What are you staring at?" I ask.

Aubrey looks over at where she was looking before and back at me, grabbing my arm as she does, " Come with me." she says and yanks me into another room.

" Can we make this quick? I have a friend in there that doesn't know where I am." I tell her, folding my arms when we come to a stopping point outside of a bathroom.

" Since when did Eli get home?"

" I'm not sure, but he stopped by the bakery a couple of days ago and Ja-Harley and I just talked to him for a bit then he left. Why?"

Popping out her hip by putting her weight all on one foot Aubrey then says, " You didn't tell me?"

" Why would I need to tell you? It's not like you guys were best friends or anything?"

" Yeah. Well. You're not completely wrong with was more like," she looks around and leans closer to me to make sure no one can hear me, " friends with benefits."

I gasp, " You didn't? With Jasper's best friend?"

This actually came to a surprise to me. Eli and Aubrey? How the hell did that happen? How did neither Jasper or I know about this? Or maybe Jasper did know. Still. It's just that I never thought that Eli and Aubrey would ever have any sort of feelings for each other even if it was only sexual.

Aubrey nods, biting her lip, " Yeah. I did Chlo."

" So-so when did this start? Is it still going on?"

" The summer of Freshman year, when we hadn't met. No, it's not still going on but....."

" But what?" I ask, raising a brow.

" I just never got over him."

" So you're telling me," I start, pointing my finger at her, " that you and Eli were 'friends with benefits' for who knows how long, and you have feelings for him?"

" I know, I know. It seems crazy. But it didn't last for long, only about a year until you came along. We ended it after that."

" But you didn't want to because you had real feelings for him," I say in a realization.

" Yeah..." Aubrey says trailing off.

I could see that whatever Aubrey had for him was still there. The look of worry but hope in her eyes had already said enough. Then I remember Harley, she seemed to really like Eli too. I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to. Whatever Aubrey was wanting me to do I would somehow have to get out of it. Maybe Harley didn't really like Eli that much, but I am not taking any chances. I've messed with Harley enough this week, and the next week too, I don't want to make it worse.

" So why are you telling me this exactly?" I ask my best friend.

" Well I was wondering since you seem mostly close to Eli, that you might-"

" No."

" Why? Please, I just want to see if he likes me too."

" You have a boyfriend!"

" So? Jackson has never really cared for me, and you know that. Always staring at those other girls."

" Why are you even with that guy if you already know that?"

" Please," Aubrey scoffs, " don't change the subject, Chloe. Why can't you just help me out? I'm your best friend after all."

I was starting to get annoyed with my friend. I understand she's in love with Eli and all but that doesn't mean that he loves her too, and even if he does I shouldn't need to act like we're in middle school and go up to him and say 'hey Eli, do you like Aubrey? Will, you be her boyfriend?'. Fuck no.

" For the last time Aubrey. No. Figure it out yourself." I say and turn around and leave Aubrey to head into the kitchen to find Eli. I did end up finding him, but that wasn't the only person I found. It was the same dumb, green-eyed, blonde that couldn't even turn on an oven until a week ago. The one and only Jasper Grey.

" Chlo, I see you made it out of that bath towel I saw you in earlier today." Jasper teases, getting a questionable look from Eli who was taking a drink of his beer. The music had seemed to be getting louder and louder every minute, and sadly I could still hear Jasper and his immature mouth.

" Maybe you should've knocked you jackass," I say back.

" I feel like I'm missing something. Since when were you two seeing each other in bath towels?" Eli asks.

" Since I decided not to knock on Aubrey's door," Jasper responds, but I don't make a comment. The mention of Aubrey's name made Eli frown a bit, but he quickly covered it by taking another sip of his drink. The look he gave made me certain that whatever happened between Aubrey and him was definitely never going to happen again.

" Hey, Eli-"

" ElI?? Is ThAT YoU bRO? iT's BeEn sO lONg!!" a hammered jock shouts from across the kitchen to where you could easily hear it over the loud music. Everyone turns their heads our way, and Eli forces a smile, giving me a look before walking over towards the others.

I turn to Jasper who was already looking at me and fold my arms, " I saw a foosball table on our way in? Wanna go play?" he asks.

I shrug, " Sure. Why not. It's been a long night."

" Well, you can tell me all about it while I'm kicking your ass in foosball."

" Ha. We'll see about that......idiot."

" Dough brain."

" What kind of insult is that?"

" A good one. Now, let's go play. It's getting a bit boring just is insulting you......which is odd now that I think about it."

" Am I finally growing on you Jasper bear?"

" Don't lessen your chances dough brain."

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