Part 32 - Snickerdoodles

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I wake up in a cold sweat. Sitting up on my bed, I run my hand through my hair to get it out of my face, giving out a loud sigh after.

Aubrey has been ignoring me since Friday and I was starting to become annoyed with her childish behavior. I've tried texting her multiple times, but she would always leave me on reading. Aubrey won't even listen to me, I'm sure the picture she was talking about was photoshopped or something since Eli and I have done nothing together. Even if we did, Aubrey doesn't really have the right to call dibs on a guy that broke up with her two years ago.

Then again, Aubrey is always used to getting what she wants.

Today was the day I am supposed to meet Aubrey. She gave me a set time to talk to her as if we were having a business meeting to discuss how much profit each of use would get off selling shit or something...I have no idea what I'm saying. It's early in the morning, alright?

Knowing that I wasn't going to fall back asleep, I throw my covers off of me and pull my legs off my bed and onto the floor. It was still so early in the morning that the sun hadn't even started to rise, and usually, I am not a morning person but today was different for some reason.

My problem with sleep is that after I wake up, no matter what time, I would never fall back asleep. It's been a pain in my grandparents' asses for since I can remember. I would wake up in the middle of the night and slug into my grandparents' room. My grandpa would then give me a snickerdoodle cookie, set me on the couch, and turn on my favorite tv show at the time, and I would watch it until I had to get ready for school. I miss those days. I miss the snickerdoodle cookies. I miss the Gramps.

I sludge toward my bathroom and grimace when my light flickers on. I then turn on the shower, watching as the steam fogs up my mirror. I take off my clothes and step in, gasping as the extremely hot water hits my skin.

" Shit! Shit! Shit!" I exclaim while turning down the heat.

I finish up my shower then continue getting ready by brushing teeth and hair and then washing my face. I didn't feel like putting on too much makeup since it is the weekend and I wasn't really planning on talking to any else but Aubrey, so I just put on some concealer on the dark and puffy bags under my eyes to hide my sleep deprivation. I continue to put on some mascara and chapstick then call it good and walk into my closet to pick out some clothes.

Since it already feels like winter here I put on a light blue sweater and gray sweats, then go downstairs to get something for breakfast.

It's been so long since I have made snickerdoodles. I think the last time I had actually made them was with my grandpa, right before he became ill. It was in the middle of the summer, about a week after Eli and Jasper had gotten into their big fight. Gramps said that we were making them because it was a 'special occasion' but he never told me what the occasion was.

The nostalgia was beginning to hit me, in a good way, and a calmness comes over me and I sigh. I missed this. I missed actually getting to enjoy baking, instead of having it as a burden.

I started off by preheating the oven and then getting out a bowl and some butter and sugar and cream the ingredients for about 4-5 minutes. Gramps always told me that this step was important because the butter creates the smooth texture of the cookie. Let's be honest, no one wants a hard cookie...unless you do, then I'm not judging.

I then add the creme, flour, salt and then a touch of baking soda so that the cookies will rise, and mix it together. After that, I make the cinnamon-sugar mixture and begin to roll the cookie dough I had made into little balls and then drop the cookie dough into the cinnamon-sugar mixture, making sure to coat the dough well.

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