Part 17 - The Nicknames

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Jasper and I walk into the kitchen. I sit on top of the counter while Jasper leans against the counter, looking quite worried.

" My sister knows about the night at the hotel. My whole family knows, " he tells me.

" H-how?" I studder.

They don't think that we...well shit.

" My dad found out about me using one of the rooms, and then looked on some of the hotel cams and found you and me together."

" Did you tell them that-"

" Nope."

" Jasper!"

" And Aubrey's infuriated."

" What the fuck Jasper! How could you-"

" Think of it this way. My parents love you, even though you're their only competition that is about to....never mind that. The point is, do you know how much this would benefit the bakery?"

I fold my arms, curious to where Jasper is getting at, " You're not making any sense, " I tell him.

Jasper smiles at me and continues, " I am saying if we act like we are together they parents won't hate me as much. They even talked about me joining their bakery..."

" So you're saying that since they think we're going out, that they are actually proud of you for some reason, and so you would work at their bakery and you would figure out how they are getting more customers than us? That's why you gave Eli the job?"

" I was just thinking about doing it Spongebob style and stealing their goods, but that's a way better idea than mine, and Eli had nothing to do with it. I just knew you needed more clients, Harley likes him, and he's good at baking."

"I still don't understand what this has to do with us dating though."

" Becuase my parents love you more than my sister and me. They remind you of...someone they used to know. Also, they're just happy that I'm 'dating' someone other than someone off the cheerleading squad."

" You're parents are strange. I see how you're related."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment."

I scoff and roll my eyes. This boy is going to be the death of me if I'm not careful.

" So are you in?" He asks leaning closer to me with a hopeful grin.

I sigh, " Sure."

" Yes! Thanks, boo!"

" But that does not mean that you're off the hook for being late, and don't call me boo."

" Damnit. Why are you so mean to me, sweetie?"

" Ok. No name-calling if I'm going to be your fake girlfriend."

" No can do babe."

My cheeks become hot and I try to hide my blush by putting my feet up on the counter and hiding my face behind my legs. What the fuck is wrong with me? Is the room just hotter in here? I think that's it, it had to be.

" shut up Jasper-"

" Chloe Harper, you're not blushing, are you?" Jasper says poking me on the head.

Without looking up, I slap anything I could reach and then hear a loud "Ow! Woman! That hurt!"

I finally look up after a moment if composure to see a giant red mark on Jasper's cheek. Karma is a bitch, but in this situation, I'm the bitch. Actually, let's just forget I said that.

Eli and Harley walk into the kitchen with worried looks on their faces until they see Jasper on the ground touching the newly red mark on his face.

" What did you do this time?" Eli asks.

" I told you not to mess with her," Harley says, shaking her head.

Jasper scoffs then looks at them, " I didn't do anything."

" Jasper harassed me, " I say.

" Dude you gotta stop doing that," Eli says, playing along.

"You're on her side now? What about those ten years of you being my best friend?"

" Well maybe if you didn't harass my boss it would be different."

I laugh and so does Harley and Eli, but Jasper being the little girl he gets up and gets an ice pack from the freezer, but walks back empty-handed.

What? Were not a hospital, why should we keep ice packs in the freezer? Besides, I didn't hit him that hard.

" Such a baby, " I say and give a lighthearted laugh.

" So you can call me baby but I can't?" Jasper asks with a smirk.

" That's not what I meant-"

" Sure it wasn't Chloe-pie."

" Chloe-pie? Baby? What the hell did y'all talk about in here?" Harley gasps and smiles, " You're not together are you?"

I look over to Jasper, " Are you going to tell them or am I?"

In the end, we both told them our plan. Eli was for it, and we already discussed to keep Aubrey out of it since she was my best friend. Harley wasn't so sure about it since she was just starting to become friends with Aubrey but in the end, she agreed to go along with it.

Then it hit me. Jasper said that his whole family knows about our 'relationship'. That means Aubrey knows too.

Well jelly beans, I'm screwed.


" It's getting late. You wanna go give Mike his food?" I ask Harley.

" Of course! It's been a while since I've gotten to him."

It was just Harley and me in the bakery. Eli and Jasper took off after they cleaned up Eleanor's, and Eli had left the rest of the apple pie for my Grandma to try. She loved my grampa's pies so I'm sure she'll love this one too.

" Alright. There should be his strawberry cupcake in the fridge, and also give him this, " I hand Harley fifty dollars in cash and she gasps in surprise.

" Where did you get the money?" She asks me.

" He needs it more than I do. I thought even if the bakery goes he would still have some money to buy him some food."

Harley smiles and wraps her arms around me, " You're such a nice person."

I chuckle, " Thanks. Now go before it gets too dark. You still have to give me a ride home, remember?"

" Alright. I'll be quick, " Harley takes the cash and Cupcake and just before she walks out she turns around, " You know before I met Jasper he looked very familiar. Has he ever been at the bakery before he worked here?"

I nod, " Probably. Why do you ask?"

" I dunno. He just reminded me of someone."

I shrug " Oh well. Quit stalling and go give Mike his food."

Harley laughs, " Alright. Byeee! If I get murdered make sure to-"

" Go."

" Ok. Bye."

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