Part 26 - Put the Knife Down

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" Wait...who is this?" I ask while yawning. I sit upon my bed and pull my knees under my chin with the covers still covering me.

" It's Eli, " He says quickly sounding pretty distressed.

I give a fake groan and roll my eyes in an ornery way, completely forgetting how anxious Eli had sounded earlier, " You again? Didn't I talk to you yesterday?"

" Ha, ha, very funny, " Eli says sarcastically, " Look, Chlo, I really need your help. I can't get her to go to sleep!"

" Who?" I ask very confusedly.

" Melody! She's like a demon! No Melody stop-" I hear crashing in the background and a what I think is a child shouting.

" You have got to help me. This child hates me, " he says with desperation in his voice.

" I'll be over in ten minutes, " I say with a smile, then hang up and burst into my closet to find some new clothes to wear. I choose to go with the classic and casual sweatpants and hoodie.

Leaving a note on the countertop for my Grams so she doesn't worry, I run outside and take out my phone to call the only person that I know that would be up this late, that has a car, and doesn't have a crush on Eli.

" Well if it isn't Chlo-bear."

" Jasper I don't have time for your stupid nicknames. Can I get a ride to Eli's house?"

" Woah, I may be your fake boyfriend but isn't it a little harsh to be hooking up with my-"

" Jasper it's not like that. Its Melody."

" Oh God, when did she come back?" He asks in horror.

" I'm not sure but it doesn't sound too good by what he has told me, which isn't a lot."

" I'll be there as fast as I can, " he tells me and hangs up before I could say anything else.

I sigh putting my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants and wrap my arms around myself. I decide to take the time to enjoy the view of the city, the little book shop across that I was always scared of going into as a kid was still there, and I bet that one witch lady is still there too. The light may not be on but I am almost certain that the lady is conspiring on how she was going to make her next delicious and definitely not human pie.

I have so many memories on this street. It's where I first learned how to ride a bike, where I would throw water balloons at Harley in the summertime, where my parents said goodbye.

Well, that was deep.

I hear a honking to my right and look down the street to see Jasper drive up in Ms. Blue. I put my finger to my lips to tell him to quiet down and he rolls his eyes and comes to a stop in front of my house.

" Jasper, if you wake up my Grandma then either she will murder you or I will!" I warn him when I open the truck's door.

Jasper smiles, " Well I'll have to meet your Grandma someday, " he says as I pull myself into the car and plop on the seat.

" Depends on if you can keep up this fake boyfriend act, Oh! And your job."

Jasper chuckles, putting Ms. Blue in drive and starts to go, " It won't be that difficult. As long as you keep me away from the actual food we're good."

" I am so glad I hired Eli. We would've died if we hadn't."

" Hey! I may not be a great baker but I have been doing the cash register since I was twelve. I'm a pro at the register."

" Which is exactly why Mr. Grey, you will be staying at the cash register for a very long time."

" Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with you for that one. If I have a wife, I'll clean the dishes, but I think it would be best if I don't touch the stove or oven, " he says while turning off my street.

I giggle and nod in agreement, " Maybe not even the toaster."

What the actual fuck. I just giggled. Why am I giggling?

Jasper gasps, " I can make toast!"

" Yeah but is it toast, or is it extra extra toasted?"

" Shut up."

" Never."


" Give me ice cream!" I hear Melody shout as Jasper and I walk inside. I hear something crash and Eli yelp in response, and I couldn't decide whether I should laugh at Eli's high-pitched yelp or if I should be worried by his high-pitched yelp.

" Hello? You guys alright?" I ask with Jasper and I peaking around the corner into the kitchen. I gasp at the horrid sight.

Melody was covered in something brown which I am hoping is just chocolate syrup. She was standing on the kitchen table with a plastic knife in her hand, and fork in the other while Eli was looking up at her with fear.

Eli notices us and quickly runs over to us, " You've gotta help me. She's going to kill me if we don't do something quick!" he exclaims.

" What's the brown stuff that she's got all over her?" Jasper asks while pointing to the demonic Melody.

" Chocolate syrup she stole from the fridge when I wasn't looking, " Eli responds.

" How old is she?" I ask.

" Four."

" Give me more ICE CREAM!" Melody shouts at Eli then her evil eyes longer over to us and I flinch slightly.

Jasper didn't seem all to phased by it though and just walks over to her, still standing on the table, " Melody, I'm going to need you to put the knife and the fork down, " Jasper says in a warning tone.

" How are you?" She spits out, putting a hand on her hip to add to her sassy stance.

I quickly walk up to her try to usher her down, " Please Melody, you might hurt yourself. What if-"

" I want ICE CREAM! ELI!" Melody screams making the three of us cover our ears.

Eli groans and rolls his eyes, " We ran out two hours ago Dee dee!" Eli shouts back at her.

" Then go buy more you little shit!" I hear Melody shout, and I whip my head back around towards her.

If my grandfather had ever taught me something while he was alive it was one, never swear when you are eleven or under, and two, respect your elders. This little shit had to learn it from another little shit known as Eli, but I have to deal with Eli later.

" What did you say, you little Gremlin?"

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