Part 27 - Her Colorful Language

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" I said-"

" Oh, I heard what you said, " I say trying to raise my voice while climbing up onto the table and tower over her to make myself more intimidating, but in reality, I was actually terrified because she could literally shove me off the table and I could break my neck. The girl looks up at me and I swear for a second I saw her pupils turn red and then back to brown.

Aside from looking like a literal demon, she actually was almost identical to Eli, except she has paler skin and more freckles. Otherwise, you would think that they were full siblings.

I would explain their family history, dear reader, but I feel that it is important to keep it a mystery for a while and have you try and figure it out.

I take a deep breath before I say anything stupid and crouch down to her level, "Look, if you could just put the knife down-"

" Get the fuck out of my house!" She says and that's when I snap. I jump off the table and yank both the fork and knife out of her hand and then throw the girl over my shoulder with her screaming and flailing her limbs around. Surprised by my sudden strength, Eli steps out of the way and Jasper does the same, a smirk appearing on the corner of his mouth.

I turn to the right and head down a small hallway, " Which one is your room?" I ask Melody.

The little girl sighs in defeat and I smile, " The last one with the blue walls," she tells me.

" Thanks, demo- I mean, Melody."

" No problem bitc-"

" Are you sure you want to finish that sentence?" I ask when I walk into the room.

" Nope."

" Good," I say, plopping her down onto her bed, she gives me a dirty look and I stick my tongue out at her in return. I sigh, knowing that I am just being as childish as she is and sit next to her on her little yellow bed.

The room was quite different from what a stereotypical little girl's room would look like. Instead of pictures of Disney princesses and barbie on pink walls, she had pictures of dinosaurs cream? Is that ice cream?

I lean in to look closer at the small stickers, and yes, it was little ice cream cones and sundaes.

She had a nice little bed with a yellow comforter, and a white nightstand next to her bed with a dinosaur toy placed neatly on top of a stack of books that were so thick I don't even think I could read them.

" So where did you learn to say such colorful language?" I ask Melody, still looking at her walls.

" What colorful language? You mean like the colors of the rainbow?" She asks me, and I smile at her answer.

" No, actually, I mean those words that you were using earlier? Like when you called Eli a 'Little bitch'?"

" Oh, " she says, understanding what I am asking now, " My mommy and daddy."

I look at her confused at what she had said. Did her parents teach her those words on purpose or did she just hear them? If she had heard them, how we're they using the terms? Were they fighting? Were they-

" Sometimes my brother doesn't like my parents, but they do yell too much so I think he doesn't like them because of that, " I raise a brow, concerned about what she was saying but I stay quiet to see if she'll say more.

Melody pulls her feet up to her knees and pouts, " Sometimes I wish I could stay at this house more."

Then I get another amazing idea. Wow, I'm doing great at coming up with ideas this past week.


Me: On our way

Aubrey: Alright. Hurry.

Me: I'll try my best!

I put my phone in my back pocket and usher Harley out the door, " C'mon Harls, we're going to be late if you don't get your ass moving!"

" Where are we even going?" Harley asks as we run to her little silver car.

" Nunya. I'll give you directions, you just drive, " I say with a big grin as I get in the car.

It was quite a hassle to even get her to go to her welcome party, but after a while of convincing and promises that we both probably won't remember, she agreed. I gave her the pastel green mini-dress that Aubrey had bought for her and some white high-heels to wear with it. I was already ready when I had arrived at Harley's house beforehand, wearing a black dress with a similar design to Harley's, and some red heels to go with it.

Harley enters the car and puts the keys in the ignition then looks over at me, " Put on your seatbelt, I'm not driving until you do, " she says, giving me a stern look and I laugh.

" Yes ma'am, " I tease, giving her a salute and buckling myself in. Harley then starts driving and I decided that this would be the perfect time to her about her one true love, Eli.

" did you know you liked Eli? Other than you said he looked like a God when you two first met, that is."

Harley groans in annoyance but I still caught a glimpse of the little smirk she was trying to hide, " I really don't want to talk about this right now, can't this wait until after the party?"

This time, I groan in annoyance and hunch down in my seat, " Fine, but you're going to have to tell me whether you like it or not."

" Fine, " she says smiling, and I roll my eyes but smile too.

" Turn right up here."

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