Part 8 - Liar

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What do you think about my book? Do you have any recommendations on what I should do with the characters/story? Again, sorry for not posting for a long time but thank you so much for reading!

I wasn't sure how to answer to Aubrey's question. Jasper had said not to tell anyone about him working at my bakery, but still, that's his sister. They're family. Then why in the world would......wait. Oh. I understand now.

" No, he's not here. I just needed a ride here and he offered to give me one. I just didn't want to be late since my other employee had something else to do." I bluff. I wasn't a bad liar at any means, but Aubrey seemed to read people so easily, I was starting to get nervous.

I could tell that Aubrey was trying to decide whether or not I was lying. Looking at my eyes first then going to my hands to check and see if they were shaking or fidgeting with something. They weren't. I had learned a few tricks over the years when it came to lying. I mostly learned by watching Aubrey do it to teachers, her parents, and even Jasper.

I hated lying to my best friend, but I trust Jasper, and I hope that whatever it is he's not saying, it's for a good reason.

" Alright," she says and I let out a breath that I had been holding. She didn't seem convinced but for some reason, she left it alone, " If you see him please let me know, he didn't show up at his work today so Mom and Dad are worried about him."

" Okay see you later."

" See you. " She pulls me into for a hug and then pulls away smiling " Remember to come over to my house tomorrow. We have that party and you need a better outfit than what's usually in your closet."

I laugh softly and nod, " Okay I will."

Aubrey gives me one last smile before walking out of the bakery. Giving a long sigh of relief I turn my heel back around to see Jasper peeking over the counter.

" You weren't there the whole time were you?" I say pointing my finger at him.

" No just for about the last five minutes, but she never looked my way so I'm sure we're alright for now."

" What if she did see you?"

" Then we're both screwed."

" That was a dumb question to ask wasn't it?"

" Indeed." He agrees, nodding his head. I sigh looking down at my shoes and running my hands through my hair then look over at the clock on the wall above one of the tables for the very few customers they receive. It was time to close down the bakery and I still haven't given Mike his cupcake yet. Looking back up at Jasper who was waiting for orders of what to do next.

" Can you get the leftover cupcake from the fridge, please. I need to get Mike his food." I say and Jasper nods, showing a smile. He starts walking off towards the kitchen then stops, turning around to look at me, his gorgeous eyes looking into mine.

" Thanks, Chloe, for today that is. Also for the job too." A smile forms on my face and I shrug.

"It's not a big deal as long as this," I say gesturing towards the building then continue, " Doesn't backfire."

Jasper chuckles showing his dimples then walks back into the kitchen.

I have a bad feeling about this.


Aubrey swings the front door open looking already dressed for Brian's party in a light pink mini skirt and a cute black cropped tank top, and with black wedges to top it off. 

" Finally you're here! What took you so long?" Aubrey rushing me inside then closes the door behind her, " We have so much to do and we only gave 45 minutes. What in the world could you have been doing?"

"Trying to not to have my bakery burns down by your twin brother," I wanted to say but I knew I couldn't, so I said something else instead, " Well an order for one-hundred and thirty cupcakes came in yesterday and it took me a lot longer to get them done than I expected."

That part was true, but my mistake was letting Jasper help out with the cupcakes in the first place. I know that I'm supposed to help him practice and everything but thank God we still had some more flour or else we would've been doomed. I would've been doomed.

Aubrey takes my hand, seeming content with my answer and leads me to the elevator, yes, the elevator I didn't studder.

" Whatever. Let's get you into the shower. You smell like a gingerbread man barfed up all of his icings." I laugh and press the number for Aubrey's floor and wait to reach the upstairs.

" Go ahead and get into the shower. I'll get out your outfit for tonight. " She says when we enter the room.

" Alright. It better be cute." I say.

" Who do you think I am? Kayla Thomas?" We both start laughing imagining me wearing something Kayla wears to a party.

Kayla went out high school for two years then left for some reason. She used to always wear some ridiculous clothing and her neon flip flops and socks and thick-lensed glasses. I do hope that she has gotten better since she has left, I gave felt bad for her since everyone made fun of her behind her back.

After taking a breath I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water. I take off my clothes and step in, feeling the hot water hit my skin my muscles begin to soften.

I finish doing everything I need to do and step out of the shower to grab and towel and wrap it around me.

" Are you done?" Aubrey asks from outside the door.

" Yeah," I reply back.

" Good, because we only have about 30 minutes left to get you pretty."

I open the door and step out of the bathroom to see Aubrey waiting for me sitting on her bed, " Alright, then let's hurry." I say and Aubrey nods.

Just then the door opens and Jasper appears in the doorway " Hey Aubr- oh my god Chloe where are your clothes?!"

" What the actual fuck Jasper! Get out!" Aubrey says running to the door and slamming the door in his face and turning back to me. I was hugging my towel against me afraid that it could've slipped and Jasper would've seen everything.

My face we beat red when Aubrey turned back around, but she didn't seem to care that her twin could've just seen me naked. What a nightmare.

After that mess, Aubrey gets to work starting off with drying my hair and then lightly curling it. Then I change into the outfit that Aubrey had gotten me, a cute white cocktail dress that hugged slightly onto the very little curves I have, and to top it all off she added a natural makeup look with light brown eyeshadow, mascara, and lip gloss.

I hope one day I could learn how to do all of this like Aubrey can. Then again the only reason I go to these parties is because of Aubrey. My grandma did say it was alright as long as I didn't have 'to much fun' but I don't plan on it, this is all for Aubrey.

" Finished!" Aubrey announces, stepping back to look like I'm a work of art, " It looks great, and we have just enough time to get to the party."

" Great. Let's go then."

" Let's go!"

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