Part 28 - Hidden Talents

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" You made it!" Aubrey squeals while running up to us, her heels making a clip-clop sound as she does so. She was wearing a flowy violet-colored dress and some white heels with, of course, her makeup looking just as perfect as her.

The party only started five minutes ago, and there were already so many people here. There was a DJ booth in the middle of the large entryway, with at least fifty people surrounding the guy in the booth, who was bobbing his head along to the loud music that was filled with curse words, but it's not like I'm complaining.

There also was a buffet filled with different types of foods from shrimp to pizza, that was decorated with golden confetti and a white table cloth, and a chocolate fountain to top it all off.

" Wow, this party looks so cool!" Harley says nicely to Aubrey, who was holding onto one of Harley's hands.

" Of course it is! It's my job as a Grey to throw the best parties ever especially when it's for one of my friends," Aubrey says, showing her perfect smile.

" Who are you throwing it for?"

" You of course! It's a welcoming party for you!" Aubrey says to Harley's surprise. Harley's eyes light up, her mouth is wide open in shock.

" R-really? Why?" Harley studders.

" Well, I knew that you were having a bit of trouble fitting in. I mean, I heard some people even call you elf ears but I don't think your ears look that bad, so I wanted to prove those people wrong for calling you that and throw you a huge party in your honor!"

I take a step away from Aubrey for a second. I mean, I know that had kept that secret from Harley but Aubrey had flat out just lied to her. Those "some people" were us.

Harley covers one of her ears and looks up at my best friend sadly, " They really called me that?"

" Aubrey-"

" Not right now Chlo, I'm going to give Harley a tour of the house. You can go find my brother, he should be around here somewhere," Aubrey says, linking her arm with Harley who looked pretty excited to look around, so I sigh in defeat and watch as Aubrey and Harley walk off without me.

What just happened?

I decide to go find some other people that I was familiar with. I said hello to a few cheerleaders and some football players but I got bored so I roamed off again, but I was still getting bored.

This party was just like any other rich kid part, filled with alcohol and stupid teens who are going to regret they ever came the next day, so I decided to ditch the party and go upstairs. Now, Aubrey always keeps her door locked but I know for a fact that Jasper does not, from the many times I have had to go in there and steal back his apron that he always 'accidentally' takes home with him after work, so I decided to walk down the very long hallway and find his room.

Just as I had suspected the door was unlocked, so I opened it to find a messy room but with no sign of Jasper. I walk in, closing the door behind me and then plop down into his bed, giving out a long sigh of relief.

The bed smelled of green apples and sweet tea. An odd combination, yes, but it stilled smelled pretty nice. It smelled like Jasper, which somehow calmed me.

To be honest, I hate parties, the only reason I even go to them is because of Aubrey. I don't want to disappoint her since I'm her best friend and all, so I go to them, even if I'm throwing up in the bathroom.

I start getting bored again, so being the nosy person I am, I start looking in Jasper's drawers expecting to only find a bunch of smelly clothes and condoms but when I get to the bottom drawer of his dresser, I find something completely unexpected.

There were drawings, but not just any drawings. There were drawings of Aubrey, Eli, me, and someone else that I didn't know. I wasn't sure if I should be curious about who the random guy was or why there was a drawing of me at the bottom of his dresser.

The other drawing had a person that looked pretty similar to Jasper and Aubrey, but this person looked sick, his eyes were sunken in and his face was overly slim, but his smile was still there.

" I've been looking all over for you and I find you in here?" I hear Jasper say as he enters the room, but I'm to focus on the drawings to even bat an eye at him.

" Jasper, I didn't know you could draw," I say in astonishment, spreading the drawings out onto the floor. Jasper walks towards his bed and plops down on it with his feet dangling of it ever so slightly.

" One of my many hidden talents. Want me to show you some more?"

" No thanks," I say, knowing all too well what he meant.

I hold up this picture of the guy to him, " Who is this?" I ask him.

Jasper looks from me to the drawing and his face saddens, " Just a drawing reference I searched up," he says taking the drawing from me and putting it back in the dresser, " Don't worry about it."

" Alright," I say suspiciously and look back at the other drawings, " So, what's with the drawing of me? I'm way better looking than that!"

Jasper sits down next to me and shows a sheepish smile, " I just thought who is the ugliest person I could draw? Oh! I know! Chloe Harper."

" Ha, ha, very funny," I say holding this up and then looking at Jasper, " Seriously though, you're very talented Jasper."

Jasper raises a brow, " You really think so?"

" I do think so. If only you were this good at baking too," I tease him, elbowing him in the side. Jasper scooches away from me and I laugh.

" Hey, Chloe-"

Jasper gets cut off by my phone ringing and I pull out my phone, mouthing sorry to Jasper, and then answering it.

" Hello?"

" Hey, it's Eli. Could you possibly come over here? I need some help."

What did you think so far? Any tips?

Thank you, my dear readers, for...well...reading of course and please like or comment or follow me because that would be amazing! I love you and happy reading!

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