Chapter 3

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Joe's POV

Everyone went to lunch and continued to talk to each other. The fiery red haired dancer came over to me.
D-"Hey Joe"
J-"Hi Dianne"
She smiled and I smirked back.
D-"So, whats up"
J-"Nothing much, but just to let you know you're the only one in there who saw through my joke you know" I quietly said to her.
D-"I know and you're the only one who didn't give me a strange look when I talked about my dad so thanks I guess"
J-"Well you're welcome, no one has really ever seen through my jokes like that not even my closest friends or family"
D-"Well I must be special"
She laughed and walked away leaving me stood there. Lee and Stacey came over to me and we started talking.
L-"So What ya most nervous for"
S-"Urm probably the physical ability to be able to do it, I don't have much strength so this could be hard what about you Joe?
J-"Oh definitely finding out who my partner is because you'll have to spend at least 3 weeks straight with them as the first vote off isn't till week 2"
L-"I didn't even think about that, my partner better be nice"
We laughed. My eyes wandered and found themselves staring at a certain redhead. She was just so beautiful I didn't know if I could take my eyes off of her. Stacey and Lee carried on talking whilst I was in a trance looking at Dianne. She was joking and laughing with her friends, her smile was one of those smiles you could see and feel a mile away it was so bright and happy. She noticed my eyes on her and smiled, I smiled back. I mean I was already smiling so didn't take much effort. She turned back around to her friends but I still couldn't take my eyes off of her.
S-"Earth to Joe"
L-"Hello anyone there"
Lee clicked his fingers in front of my face which made me jump out of my trance.
J-"Sorry I was just ... nothing"
L-"Were you looking at someone"
J-"No" I turned back around to see if Dianne and her friends were still there  but thankfully they had moved and it was just the buffet table that was there.
S-"Were you staring at the food"
Me, Lee and Stacey laughed. Thank god Dianne had moved that would have been embarrassing if she hadn't.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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