Chapter 17

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Layna's POV

It's the Saturday of the Charleston week, which means I got to spend last night at Dianne's which then means I get to grill her in the morning about her relationship with Joe.

L-"So hows Joe"
L-"Your hiding something"
D-"Urm no I'm not"
L-"Yeah you are you hesitated"
D-"I'm not"
L-"Yeah you are I will continue until you tell me"
D-"I don't know what you want me to say"
L-"What have you a Joe got up to this week I know you went to his home town"
L-"Oh it's that"
L-"Something happened wait where did you sleep"
D-"In a bed"
L-"Who's bed"
D-"A hotels bed"
L-"Who was next to you"

Dianne murmured "Joe" barely audible.

L-"Sorry what was that"
L-"So did you, you know"
D-"No we did not"
L-"Good I raised you well"
D-"Very funny"

We both laughed, I was always the one to crack jokes I mean I do get it off of Dianne.

D-"Anyway I've got to go"
L-"I've also got to go to training"
D-"Well Let's go then"

Hours past and strictly would be starting soon so I wandered over to the studios to meet Dianne.

D-"Hi how was training"
L-"Good I may have knocked out one of the other kids though"
L-"Wasn't my fault they didn't duck"
J-"Hey Layna"
L-"Hey Joe"
D-"Okay we're wanted on stage we've got to go"
L-"Break a leg well not literally but you know what I mean"
J-"We know what you mean"
D-"Okay here we go"

They finished and thankfully they didn't leave me this time. Joe was coming around to our Well Dianne's house. I think Joe's great and all but I'm not looking forward to this. Hopefully, it won't be that bad.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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