Chapter 13

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Dianne's POV

Joe and I were having such a good day. We spent most of it cuddled up on the sofa.
D-"Do you realize we start training tomorrow"
J-"Yeah my strictly journey is going to officially start tomorrow"
D-"Wow I can't believe it"
J-"Neither can I"
D-"At least we're doing it together"
J-"Yeah all though by the end of this week you may not like me so much"
D-"Why won't I like you"
J-"You'll realize how awful I am at dancing"
D-"You can't be that bad"
J-"Oh you'll see"
Joe and I spent the rest of the day cuddled up on the sofa eating takeaways. We finally got into bed. We slept in the same bed as I didn't want to have a nightmare again and I thought if Joe's there I might not have one. Also, the fact that I just wanted to be near him. Joe moved me onto his lap where I fell asleep so I ended up sleeping on top of him curled up in a ball. We
woke up quickly and were soon out of the door on our way to training. Joe was right he was worse at dance than I remembered thankfully we had two weeks to learn this routine.
J-"Told you I couldn't dance"
D-"You're not that bad"
J-"Tell the truth"
D-"I may remember you being a little better but that's fine before you were in a room full of people now it's just me and you so you're likely to be less confident"
D-"Stop saying sorry if you were an amazing dancer you wouldn't have to come to rehearsal there's a reason why you're here, I don't expect you to be the best"
D-"If you were the best I wouldn't have much to do"
We carried on dancing and took a few breaks. We've been laughing none stop all day.
D-"I think I'm gonna pee"
Even the birds would shut up to hear his laugh. His laugh made me so happy. Omg, what is going on with me? I need to get a grip.
It was getting late and Joe was starting to make silly mistakes.
J-"Arggg I'm so sorry"
D-"It's fine"
J-"No it's not I keep messing up and the routines all messy"
D-"Joe calm down it's only the first day of training we have two weeks to learn this routine"
J-"You're right I just feel like I'm letting you down"
D-"You're not ... I've got a good quote for you"
J-"Go on" Joe smirked.
D-"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying"
J-"Woah that's good"
D-"I know right, I'm amazing with quotes"
J-"You're amazing with everything"
Joe pulled me into a big hug.
J-"Do you wanna stay over again?"
D-"Oh urm I'm sorry I can't"
J-"No it's fine but the offers still there all week if you change your mind"
D-"Ok thanks, do you wanna call it a day it's 5:00 pm"
J-"Yeah ... so I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" We hugged again and he kissed the top of my head. He headed out of the door. I collected my stuff then left as well.

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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