Chapter 6

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Dianne's POV

We headed off to the stage where all the dances would take place. I was so happy I was put in a group with Joe it meant we could talk more. Ranj and Janette were talking in front of us and we walked behind talking.
D-"So, have you got your eyes on any pro you want to be paired with"
J-"Urr...Yeah... but I'm not telling you who"
D-"Why not"
J-"What if I don't get her"
D-"Well I don't know but please tell me"
D-"Urgg you're so annoying"
J-"We haven't even been talking 5 minutes and you're already finding me annoying, great start Joe, great start"
I laughed and he laughed to. When he did he looked me in the eye. He had this sparkle in his eyes that not many people notice but it's beautiful, seriously I sound like I'm in grade school I need to get over myself.
D-"I think we've lost Ranj and Janette"
J-"I have no idea where they went"
D-"Neither do I"
J-"Well we're about to walk past my dressing room so do you just want to sit in there until hair and makeup need us"
We walked into his dressing room, sat down on the sofa and continued to ask each other questions.
D-"So why did you come on Strictly"
J-"Urmm well ... I love learning new skills and my Nan watches the show so I also partly came on here to make her proud"
D-"That's really cute and I admire you for that"
J-"Really most people would laugh"
D-"Well I didn't laugh when you made that joke the other day about living in your sisters shadow did I and also I'm not most people"
J-"No you're not"
We stared into each others eyes for a few seconds. I could honestly get lost in his eyes, it wasn't an awkward silence it's more of an understanding one if that makes sense.
J-"Ok so it's my turn to ask you a question"
J-"What made you fall in love with dance"
D-"Well I could tell you the fake version that I tell most people or the real version, take your pick"
J-"The real one if you're comfortable telling me"
D-"Yeah, but I should warn you it's not the most jolly answer"
J-"It's ok I'm all ears or whatever the saying is"
We both chuckled.
D-"Basically, dancing has always been an escape for me as I could express my emotions without having to say them out loud, this helped me a lot to figure things out with my family and stuff"
J-"Do all your family live in Australia other than your dad of course"
D-"Urm no they don't actually I mean some do but I don't really speak or see them as you can imagine"
J-"Well yeah you live on different parts of the planet"
I laughed and he just stared at me.
J-"This may sound creepy but it's unintentional"
D-"Go on"
J-"You have a really beautiful smile"
J-"Your smile it's beautiful, it's the sort of smile that could light up a room or cure anyone's sadness"
D-"Well ... Thanks I guess"
J-"No it's fine, sorry if you found that creepy"
D-"No it's just no one has ever really paid me any compliments"
J-"Well they should, if you need any more compliments you know where to find me"
The production team called "All pros head to hair and makeup"
D-"Well that's me"
I got up and Joe did to. He pulled me into a big hug before kissing my head. I knew he thought he had done something wrong as he quickly pulled away. So I looked up at him and smiled and pulled him into another hug at first I think he was shocked but then he realised and wrapped his arms around me. We pulled away as I headed to the door.
J-"See ya out there"
D-"Yeah, hope you get the girl you want"
He chuckled as I walked out and went to hair and makeup.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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