Chapter 30

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Joe's POV

Tears fell from her precious face. She went to leave, she had taken a couple of steps before I grabbed her arm to stop her.
J-"Dianne you're not pretty you're beautiful I don't like you I love you and if you walked away I could never look at myself in the mirror again I couldn't live with myself I'd die, Dianne, there are only two times I want you"
D-"Which are" Dianne was still crying and I couldn't tell whether it was out of sadness or happiness.
J-"Now and forever... I'm so sorry for what I said but I'm not sorry for loving you and I will continue to love you whether you forgive me or not"
Dianne smiled a little.
D-"Joe once I fell in love with you I knew that I would always love you but-"
D-"It's a good thing I'm always right"
I dropped to the floor crying my head against her belly. My reaction made Dianne also cry even more.
J-"Why did you leave a gap between what you were saying"
D-"For dramatic effect"
J-"God I love you"
I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.
J-"You've forgiven me, how?"
D-"When you love someone you will always find a way to forgive them no matter what they did or said, Joe, I love you so damn much which is why it hurt so much when you said those things"
J-"I'm so sorry for what I said apart from the bit about me loving you"

Dianne giggled that precious giggle of hers. I had her back in my arms where I would; cherish every moment we had together, and love her for the rest of time. I may not have won the glitterball but I've won something a million more times special. This was Strictly Love. Love is a complex set of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. I felt all those things and a million more for Dianne. She was mine I may have screwed up but I fixed it, we fixed it. I got so scared I'd never felt the emotion of love before but Dianne showed and taught me that there's no reason to be scared because love can conquer all even fear. Love is when someone knows all your deepest darkest secrets and still doesn't think anything less of you. When you love someone: nothing is hidden, you don't play games, you respect them always, you care about them in every way, you don't focus on their flaws, you keep your promises, you feel happy when they are and you stay even in the tough times; you never bail. I love Dianne and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

~The End~

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner
•Something Deeper

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