Chapter 19

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Dianne's POV

Layna said Joe and I looked so in love doing the American smooth last week it made me blush when she said it. Layna is back at our Grandpas now. So far this week has been quite awkward between me and Joe. Last week was so amazing and romantic but this week things haven't been the same. It's Cha cha cha week and it's more of a fun dance. Now that Joe and I are no longer in our romantic dance bubble are relationship is strange because we haven't put a label on things and this isn't a romantic dance so it's almost like we're just friends. Which then makes things even weirder because we've kissed and slept together and by that, I don't mean just sleeping, I decided not to tell Layna about the second one as I knew she'd never shut up about it. It has definitely been a very strange week but it's nearly over now Joe and I are next to perform thankfully because I can't take this awkward tension anymore...

We scored 26 which isn't that bad I mean it's the same as last week but at least it's over half.

D-"You did really good, I'm proud of you"
J-"Thank you too"
D-"I think I'm gonna stay at my place tonight I wouldn't want to impose"
J-"No nonsense you could never impose"

Joe walked up to me and slowly kissed me on the lips we both pulled apart and looked at each other for a second before quickly turning away.

D-"Urm So Yeah"
J-"Yeah... Yeah"

Joe and I looked at each other again and just laughed. We went back home no sorry we went back to Joe's house and we had a really nice night. I'm telling the truth seriously it was nice but the awkwardness was still there. It was Sunday morning and I told Joe that I needed to go to the hospital to see my mum, which is the truth. But if I'm telling the truth then I also have to say that I don't want to visit her. Don't get me wrong I love my mum but I hate seeing her in pain and it's like every time I go back she's in more and more pain and I can't stand it.

J-"You Okay"
D-"Urm ye- urm yeah"
J-"You sure"
J-"Do you want me to come with you to see your mum"
D-"Oh my yes please would you your the best"

Joe looked shocked about how much I had just crammed into one sentence and the fact that I said it very fast. Anyway, Joe and I headed off to the hospital. I'm glad he came, because still behind all the romantic feelings for each other we are friends. I think. I hope so?

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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