Chapter 24

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Layna's POV

They are happy everyone's happy. Dianne was right she's never looked at anyone the way she looks at Joe. Halloween week so Foxtrot week went very smoothly they did amazing. They had just performed there Paso double and we were in the dressing room when Dianne got a call. Mum. We rushed to the hospital, Dianne and I in tears, Joe supporting us both.

L-"Where is she"
D-"What happened"
Grandpa-"She's Okay, she's very weak though"

The doctor came over to talk to us.

L-"Is she Okay"
Doctor-"She's very weak and very unstable I don't know how she made it this far she's one strong woman"
L-"Exactly so she's gonna get through this"
Doctor-"I don't know"
L-"What do you mean you don't know you said it yourself she's a strong woman"
Doctor-"I know but she's held on for this long"
D-"Can we go and see her"
Doctor-"Yeah go ahead"

We went in tears rolling down mine and Dianne's faces still.

L-"Hey mamma you're okay, your gonna be okay"
N-"L... Layna"
N-"I love you baby girl and Dianne my beautiful young woman"
D-"We love you so much, mum"
L-"Mamma it's gonna be okay love can conquer anything"
N-"I know it can, Joe are you okay"
J-"Yeah I'm fine"
N-"Thank you, you took the leap of faith"
J-"I did and I'm so glad I did"
N-"I'm proud of you, I'm proud of all of you"
L-"And we are proud of you"
G-"You've held on for so long"
N-"Because of Layna and Dianne"

Mum coughed and she signalled us all to go, but she held onto Joe and Grandpas arms so they didn't leave.

Grandpa's POV

G-"Is everything okay"
N-"Yes Joe I need you to promise me something"
J-"What anything"
N-"To love and protect them and please don't bail on them"
J-"Of course they both mean the world to me"

Joe protectively looked up at Dianne and Layna. He saw them crying and Natasha signalled for him to go and comfort them.

G-"He's good to them"
N-"Yeah they don't need me anymore because they have him"
G-"I'm pretty sure they won't think that"
N-"No they'll want both of us but they will understand in time"
G-"Yeah they will figure it out eventually they are very smart"
N-"I know they are, they both have very quick wit"
Natasha coughed again.
G-"You've held on for so long, you don't have to any more they are safe they're gonna be okay, you can let go"
Natasha smirked before her face went back to its resting position and the machines started beeping loudly and quickly. Everyone ran in. Doctors checking her pulse and using the defibrillator to shock her back to life. One of the doctors spoke out "Time of death 10:04 pm"
Layna shook Natasha "MAMMA WAKE UP, YOU'VE GOT TO WAKE UP I NEED YOU, MAMMA PLEASE" Layna was hysterically crying I slowly pulled her away from her mother's body. Dianne was across the other side of the room crying into Joe's chest.

Natalia Rove Faith Buswell (1970-2018)

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•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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