Chapter 18

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Layna's POV

Omg. I'm going crazy. Joe and Dianne are driving me up the wall. It's American smooth week and they've spent the whole week kissing. Honestly, at first I tolerated it but now it's just getting annoying. They were sat on the sofa next to each other and I knew if I did not do something they would be playing tonsil tennis next to me while the movies on. I thought of something it's not exactly not obvious. Never mind it's something. I grabbed my popcorn and went and parked my bum in between them.

L-"I've heard this is a good film"
J-"It better be"

We are an hour and a half into the movie and all I can say is I regret my decision to sit in between them they are holding hands in front and behind me and they will occasionally go in for a kiss but I just lean back so my heads in the way. Although it has backfired a few times and I have ended up with a kiss on the cheek from Joe and Dianne.

L-"You know what I give up"

I got up and sat at the other end of the sofa. They both smirked.

L-"Wait a minute you knew it was annoying me"
D-"Of course we did"
L-"Well I'm coming back over"

I went and sat in between them again but quickly got up.

L-"I thought I could do this but I can't"

We all burst out laughing.

L-"I'm going to bed I give in"

Well, tonight took an unexpected turn. At least I know they are only messing with me...

Dianne's POV

This week has gone so well relationship-wise. This dance has gone ok but Joe keeps messing up one or two of the steps. But I am confident he'll do amazingly. Ok, breathe. Also not to mention we are on stage. I am getting a wave of nerves.

J-"You Okay"
D-"Yep or at least I will be when we're dancing"

Layna's POV

I could see Dianne was nervous but Joe calmed her well. He really was good for her and I knew it meant a lot to Dianne that Joe and I got along.

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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