Chapter 20

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Joe's POV

I hadn't really thought about this before I offered to go with her but I'm about to meet Dianne's mum and if that already isn't big enough I'm about to meet her Grandpa too. Dianne said her mum Natalia is a very nice and kind person but a lot of people would say that about there mum. I suppose I don't have to worry too much because Dianne and I haven't exactly put a label on things yet and under all those romantic feelings we are still friends. I think? I hope?

Natalia's POV

I was surprised when Dianne came to visit as she wasn't alone.

N-"Who's Dianne with"
G-"Who is it my eyes sights not that great anymore"
L-"It's Joe you idiots and Grandpa your eye sights fine"
G-"Isn't Joe Dianne's dance partner"
L-"Yes Sherlock but they have feelings for each other"
G-"What kind of feelings"
L-"You know what feelings I'm on about and we have both said feelings far too many times and it's sounding wrong now"
G-"Do they love each other"
L-"Calm down they've only known each other a couple of weeks but yes they do"
N-"Have they said that"
L-"No but anyone with eyes can see that there in love and anyone with ears can hear how much they talk about each other and how in love they are even if they don't know it"
G-"Well if that's the case then we are in luck because all of us have eyes and ears"
N-"Even in your old age your still cracking jokes"

Laynas POV

Dianne walked in with Joe following closely behind her.

D-"Hey mum, Grandpa urm this is Joe, my dance partner"

"And the love of my life" I muttered.

D-" Sorry What was that"
L-"Nothing absolutely nothing"

I looked at my mum as I knew that she heard me.

G-"Hi I'm Dianne's Grandpa"
L-"Grandpa I think he knows that as Dianne did introduce you both and somehow I don't think Joe's gonna get you and mum muddled"
G-"Oi cheeky you should respect your elders"
L-"No Dianne's my elder your my extinct"
G-"I would tell you off but that was a very good comeback it hurt but it was good"
L-"Honestly I'm worried these days I don't even have to think about the comebacks they just come naturally"
N-"Lay if your not careful your gonna be pure evil soon"
D-"Oh no she's already there anyway Joe I can promise you they are not normally this annoying and strange"

Dianne walked to the vending machine me following her I turned my head and said back to everyone else "she's lying Joe we are always this annoying and strange" Joe laughed I'm glad he could take a joke and handle a bit of banter. He's good for Dianne, really good.

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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