Chapter 11

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Joe's POV

It was very early in the morning and I heard noises. I could hear heavy breathing, loud bangs and almost what sounded like tears. OMG, I hope she's ok. I ran upstairs to find Dianne upright in bed shaking like a leaf with tears and sweat rolling down her face.
D-"Please don't hurt me"
J-"What, no I would never hurt you"
Dianne was hysterically crying. What had happened? Emotional pain flowed out of her every pore and tear. Dianne's sobs were only interrupted by her need to breathe. What had happened to her? I climbed onto the bed and wrapped her in a big hug so she felt safe. I pulled Dianne onto my lap where she continued to cry. I wanted to make her feel safe because she clearly wasn't feeling it right now.

{Dianne's POV}

I had a nightmare one of the worst I think I've ever had but Joe came in to comfort me. I was surprised he didn't get scared and freeze up not knowing what to do. Joseph Sugg never fails to impress me. In the darkness, Joe's cuddles felt like a little touch of heaven, warm, together and cosy. I wish I could make the night longer just so I could stay close to him for longer, safe in his embrace. When his arms wrapped around me it brought a peace I'd never known before or haven't felt in Well forever, it's like it calmed all the storms I'd ever faced. All the pains of my past vanished into thin air. I feel hope and faith, two emotions I hadn't felt in a while. He gives me hope for the future. In Joe's arms, I started to believe that there is nothing out there to fear, that all there is, is sunshine, beautiful nature and kind people. But like the rest, he will leave, probably before the sun has risen in the baby blue sky, which is when I must stand alone again, be my own person. I can do that can't I? However, Joes cuddles are the only medicine I need, they are the light in the darkness, a lone star in an otherwise very empty sky. I felt a very strong emotion for Joe but I couldn't quite figure out what it was. Was it joy, serenity, trust, acceptance, admiration or maybe it was all those combined together to form one bigger feeling called love. I think I may love Joe Sugg. Maybe that was because he is comforting me and paying me attention. No that's not it, I think I do love Joe Sugg. I had fallen in love with my dance partner, what had I done?

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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