Chapter 9

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Dianne's POV

D-"It's getting dark out, I'll check the time... woah we should probably go"
I started to pick up my bags.
J-"yeah let's go ... how much did you bring"
D-"Urmm a lot"
J-"Let me carry the bags"
D-"No I'm fine"
J-"At least let me carry half of them"
D-"Ok fine"
I smiled at Joe, he smirked back which gave me butterflies in my stomach. We walked out and headed towards the car park.
D-"Well I should go thank you for carrying my bags" I started to walk home.
J-"Where's your car"
D-"I didn't bring it"
J-"Well get over here then I'll take you home"
D-"No it's fine"
J-"Urmm no I'm taking you back it's pitch black and we're in London so I'm definitely taking you back"
D-"Fine then ok"
With one hand Joe took the bags out of my hands again the other he wrapped around my waist. He guided me to the car then opened the door for me I got in and he put my bags in the boot. He got in the car and started to drive.
J-"You know how we were talking before in the dressing room before we got interrupted by the time"
J-"Well you could come back to mine for a bit"
D-"Yeah I'd love to"
D-"Yeah I wouldn't have said yes otherwise silly"
We both laughed and Joe looked genuinely shocked. We eventually arrived back at his apartment and he handed me my bags.
J-"Would you like a drink"
D-"Urm yes please"
J-"What would you like"
D-"What've you got"
J-"Urmm red wine-"
D-"Yes please"
Joe laughed at how quick I was to answer.
J-"You're the best"
I smirked at him. Joe handed me the wine and sat down next to me. Joe cracked many jokes which made me laugh so much I probably looked crazy. I hadn't had this much of a laugh since well forever.
D-"Why were you so shocked when I agreed to come back to yours"
J-"Are you kidding me"
J-"Why would a woman like you even think of talking to a guy like me" I paused then looked him in the eye and said calmly.
D-"Why not"
Our eyes found each other again and were locked there for a few minutes. His blue eyes were so captivating, I got lost in them. We started to lean into each other almost like we were going to kiss but we stopped as he said.
J-"Urmm it's getting late"
D-"Urg yeah I should probably go"
Joe gave me a funny/worried look.
J-"Have you seen the time and how dark and quiet it is outside"
D-"Exactly it's quiet I'll be fine"
J-"What if you get hurt I'm not letting you go out there"
J-"Dianne it's pitch black outside and it's silly o'clock at night you seriously might get hurt"
D-"Joe I'll be fine and besides I don't have any extra clothes"
J-"So you can borrow some of mine, you never know what will happen out there"

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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