Chapter 22

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Layna's POV

I was at Dianne's house this morning and I could tell she wasn't happy but I didn't know what about so I basically started interrogating her. I knew it must be something to do with her and Joe.

L-"You Okay"
D-"Yeah Yeah Yeah I'm Fine"
L-"Well that's BS"
L-"Has anything happened yet between you and Joe"
D-"No... no, it hasn't"

That's what it is. She loves him and it's almost like he doesn't love her back or that's what it seems.

D-"I've never looked at someone the way I look at Joe when I think about him I get butterflies and I get excited but when I'm with him I'm calm and relaxed because it's so natural"
D-"Me falling in love with Joe was so natural I couldn't stop it"
L-"You can't stop true love, nothing can defeat it not even anger"
D-"Anyway I need to go to training"
L-"Yeah call me if you need me"
D-"I will"

Joe's POV

It was day two of waltz week and I think it's safe to say I'm not picking up the waltz as quick as Dianne and I had hoped. There is a lot of tension between us but I don't really know what kind Okay I do know what kind there's a lot of sexual tension between us. I hope Dianne feels it two otherwise that's just awkward. I just want to go up to her and kiss her passionately and for a lengthy amount of time but I can't because I won't man up and tell her how I feel. Dianne looked really sad which hurt me, I should check on her.

J-"D are you okay"
D-"Have I done something wrong"
D-"I've not finished"
D-"Have I done something wrong because we were fine the other week we were kissing hell we had sex Joe and now you can barely look at me or talk to me have I done something wrong"
J-"No, no no you haven't"
D-"Then what happened"
J-"I don't know"
D-"YOU DON'T KNOW, you don't know well when you figure it outcome and find me"
J-"Where are you going"
D-"I don't know but I'm sure getting away from you"
J-"Dianne wait"
D-"Why should I"

Dianne started to walk away.

J-"BECAUSE I love you"

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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