Chapter 12

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Joe's POV

I got up to leave so Dianne could rest. Thankfully we didn't start training yet so we had today off. I think Dianne was going to need it after the awful night she had. I felt a warm, shaky hand grab mine as I started to walk away.
D-"Joe please don't leave"
J-"D you need your sleep"
D-"Then you can sleep next to me but please don't leave me something might happen"
J-"It's ok I'll stay and protect you"
I got into the bed and held Dianne tight to me. She turned around so her head was on my chest. I kept kissing the top of her head until she fell asleep which is when I fell into a long slumber too.

When I woke up I checked the time it was 10:55. Dianne has started to stir and she gentle woke up. I turned the light on and turned around to cuddle Dianne but when I did she wasn't there. I heard footsteps run to the bathroom. Was she throwing up or did she just need the toilet? I knocked on the door gently.
J-"Dianne are you alright"
D-"Go away, Joe"
J-"What ... Please open the door"
I heard the lock click and more footsteps. I slowly opened the door and when I did I saw Dianne sat on the toilet seat with her legs brought tightly to her chest and her hands covering her face.
J-"Di take your hands away from your face"
J-"Why not"
D-"Because I don't have any makeup on and I look ugly"
J-"Who told you that"
D-"My ex-boyfriend"
J-"Oh Di I'm sorry"
D-"Why are you saying sorry"
J-"I'm sorry that you had to put up with a man like that I promise we're not all bad"
She laughed a little which made me happy knowing I could cheer her up.
D-"A man like what"
I lightly pushed Dianne's legs so her feet were on the ground, I then removed Dianne's hands from her face; I held them as I spoke.
J-"Di a man who clearly doesn't know what he's looking at or he does he is just so ugly that he has to try and convince himself that you are to which you are definitely not by the way"
J-"Di you are beautiful, in fact, I don't think there's a word to describe your beauty but please don't let anyone tell you otherwise"
Dianne smashed her lips into mine which cut me off from what I was trying to say. I picked Dianne up still kissing her and sat on the bed, she straddled me as our intense, passionate kiss continued. We pulled apart but this time I could actually see Dianne. She wasn't covering her face and it wasn't dark. I stroked Dianne's face gently, her skin was so soft.
J-"Di how are you so gorgeous"
I made her smile, which was the best feeling in the world.
D-"Joey how are you so perfect"
J-"I'm perfect?"
J-"Ok we now need to think of a better word"
J-"To describe you"
Dianne smiled again this time she blushed a little too. I got up and ran out of bed downstairs. Dianne chased after me. When I got downstairs I waited at the bottom for her. I didn't have to wait very long (she's a very fast runner) Dianne jumped on my back and I carried her to the kitchen where I put her down on the counter. This woman is amazing. Who'd of thought I would have fallen for Dianne Buswell. She really is amazing, god I love her. What. Sorry, what. Joe, you love Dianne, you idiot. I can't believe I fell for my dance partner. Oops.

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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