Chapter 10

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Dianne's POV

J-"Dianne please you hear all these horror stories about what happens on the streets and night in the big cities-"
D-"Fine I'll stay"
Joe smiled and I shook my head but still smirked.
D-"Why are you so scared about me getting hurt"
J-"Urmm ... I won't have anyone to dance with"
I burst out laughing and so did he as he realised what a lame excuse it was. After what felt like a lifetime of laughter we calmed down.
J-"You can have my bed"
D-"No I can't kick you out of your bed"
J-"No it's fine I'll go sleep in my room-mates room he's on holiday and will be gone for a while so yeah"
J-"And I think you'd probably rather sleep in the room of someone you know rather than someone you've never met"
D-"Yeah you're right" We laughed again.
D-"I can't believe how much I've laughed with you today"
D-"I've never laughed this much in my life"
J-"Well like I said earlier you have a beautiful smile so I couldn't resist seeing it even if that meant cracking awful jokes"
D-"You're right some of them were quite awful," I said sarcastically.
D-"You know I'm only joking" Joe is probably the best person I've ever met. He's talented, funny, smart, kind, handsome, sexy. Wait what. Dianne what did you just say. Joe's handsome and sexy. Omg. Of course, the perfect man has to be my dance partner. Well done Di, you have a crush on Joe.
J-"Are you ok"
D-"Yeah I'm fine"
J-"Follow me I'll show you where my room is and I'll find you some clothes"
I followed Joe to his room and he handed me some clothes, I walked into the bathroom and put them on when I walked out Joe was shirtless so he was just in his joggers. Wow. This definitely wasn't helping with my crush. I couldn't help but stare at his body.

Joe's POV

I had given Di some of my clothes she went into the bathroom to put them on. Whilst she was in there I got ready for bed as well. I put some joggers on and took my top off. When Dianne walked out of the bathroom she had no makeup on and her hair was tied up in a messy bun. Wow. It's just my luck isn't it as soon as the perfect girl comes along she has to be my dance partner. Ugh, what am I going to do? She always looks so beautiful I can't take my eyes off her and I know my crush will only get worse to be fair I'd be surprised if my crush ever went away. She's just perfect.
D-"Sorry I am not wearing any makeup I don't normally wear it to bed"
J-"Why are you saying sorry"
D-"Look at me I'm surprised you haven't run for the hills"
D-"Joe have you seen me I'm ugly"
J-"Are you kidding me"
I jumped off the bed and walked over to Dianne. I grabbed her hand and led her in front of the long mirror. I stood behind her holding her waist.
J-"Look in the mirror"
D-"Fine" she looked up and shrugged her shoulders.
J-"I can't believe you're saying this right now"
J-"Dianne you're honestly the most gorgeous person I've ever met inside and out and I can't believe that you think you're ugly"
Dianne turned her head so she was looking up at me, I looked back at her so our eyes met, our lips slowly followed. It was a long, satisfying kiss. Our foreheads lent against each other when we pulled apart. Dianne whispered "Thank you Joe" I kissed her again this time it was shorter but more passionate.
J-"We should probably get to bed"
J-"I'll see you in the morning"
D-"Yeah see ya"
I gave Dianne a hug goodnight and I kissed her forehead before I headed back downstairs to Byron's room. Dianne really was one in a million.

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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