Chapter 7

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Joe's POV

Dianne. Wow. She's just amazing. I had to compliment her on her smile, it's just too beautiful not to. How could no one have ever really complimented her? She's beautiful, talented and from what I've seen has a great personality. When she asked me who I wanted to get partnered with I couldn't tell her it was her. I mean who wouldn't want to get partnered with her. The time flew by and before I knew it we were getting ready for filming. We had 10 minutes and I really started to panic. My breathing quickened and my heart rate increased. I needed to get out of this room. I ran to one of the back doors and went outside. My head rested against the brick wall as tears fell down my face. I slumped down to the floor and brought my knees to my chest. I couldn't do this. What was I doing? I need to get out of here. The door, I had come out of, flew open. I saw a flash of red hair before I felt arms wrap around me. She held me tightly.
J-"Dianne I can't do this"
D-"What of course you can"
J-"No I can't what if I don't make my Nan proud of me or I make a fool out of myself on national television"
D-"Joe you're not going to make a fool out of yourself and you will always make your Nan proud"
J-"How do you know"
D-"Because Joe your Nan loves you and you clearly love her so she'll always be proud of you and you won't make a fool out of yourself because you're young and fit so you'll be able to move a lot quicker than the others"
J-"Why are you so wise" I laughed a little whilst saying it.
D-"I'm just a genius," Dianne said sarcastically.
J-"No you are"
J-"No I'm being serious most people would've seen me balling my eyes out and ran off but you helped me and gave me advice" Dianne smirked as I paid her another compliment.
J-"So I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. You really are a wonderful person, you're one in a million you know"
I hugged her tighter than before. I placed a kiss on her forehead at the same time. This time I didn't pull away, we stayed like that until we had to go and film the launch show. The directors called us in, we walked back to the door holding hands. We didn't even realise we were at first. But before we got to the door we let go. Dianne made me so calm and relaxed, she really was one in a million. Dianne and I got separated as she went with the pros and I went with the celebrities. The rest was a blur until it was my turn to find out who my partner was. Tess was talking to me and I was answering. I had no clue what I was saying. Who knew a tv show could make me so nervous.
Tess-"The girl that'll be keeping you in line when your not online is"
OMG, the suspense was killing me. I always thought it was annoying when they did that at home but here it's even more annoying.
Tess-"It's ..."

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•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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