Chapter 28

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Joe's POV

What the hell have I done? I need to go and find Dianne I texted Layna.
J-Where are you both
L-Roselight Avenue Number 2
J-I'm coming
I needed to apologise to Dianne. I bet she so hurt that I ever thought she was capable of that and the things I called her, oh God what have I done. It's 11 pm I've been crying all night and now I've just ruined my whole life.

Layna's POV

I heard a knock at the door.

L-"I'll answer it"

J-"Where's Dianne"
D-"What is going- what are you doing here"

Dianne's eyes watered and slow painful tears fell down her face. Joe's eyes welled up before he went over to Dianne and wrapped her in a warm hug. Dianne looked so confused she just stood there before she started crying even more and started hitting Joe's chest to get him off of her.

D-"GO AWAY, GET OFF OF ME... GO... Joe I don't want to see you"

I dragged Dianne back so she couldn't hit him anymore. I try to turn Dianne around to take her upstairs "Joe leave me alone" Dianne said half-heartedly. Even I wasn't sure if she meant it. "JOE LEAVE NOW" Okay I think she meant it. I start taking Dianne upstairs and I look back at the door and see through the windows that Joe hasn't left he's just outside. Anyway, I got Dianne to bed. Oh no, I better shut the windows it's raining, heavily. Joe's also outside I better get him in as well. I went downstairs and opened the door. Joe fell into the house backwards. I chucked a blanket at him, which shocked him a little.

L-"There's your blanket go and sleep on the couch you and you can talk to Dianne some more in the morning"
J-"Okay Thanks"

Joe slowly went to sleep on the couch. This whole situation has really drained it out of both of them, they both look so sad and tired...

Dianne's POV

I heard Layna let Joe back in last night but I didn't protest because I was angry, sad and most of all confused because I still love him with all of my heart. I wandered downstairs I went to the living room where I saw Joe sleeping peacefully I watched for a little while before he started to stir which is when I quickly tiptoed to the kitchen where Layna was. Let's hope this situation gets fixed.

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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