Chapter 27

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Layna's POV

Layna-"Wait slow down what happened"
Dianne-"Wait Where's Grandpa"
L-"He's on a small holiday with his friends"
L-"Anyway continue"
D-"Okay so we were at the awards and everything was going fine but I needed the toilet"
L-"How dare you"
D-"Not funny Layna"
D-"So I go to the toilet and I'm on my way back and I get pushed against a wall and when I turn around I see it's my ex and he started trying to kiss me all he did was smudge my lipstick before I pushed him off and ran back to Joe but when I got there he was gone, I asked Stacey where he was and she said he came to find me, he saw what happened he must have done"
L-"Like he saw him kissing you but didn't see you push him off"
L-"Well we don't know that for certain yet"
D-"I've called him 31 times and it goes straight to voicemail I've also left him 28 messages so somehow... I think he saw"

Dianne broke down in tears. Sh*t. This was not good. What a great time for Grandpa to go away. I know how much Joe means to her and I know how much she means to him, so I bet it hurt Joe like crazy when he saw that. This is a horrible situation, you know what scrap that this is a f**ked up situation.

L-"Why don't you try calling Joe again..."
D-"It went straight to voicemail"
L-"Why don't I try calling him"
D-"Do you have his number"

I tried and Joe picked up. OMG, he picked up. I put him on speaker.

L-"Hi Joe"
J-"Hi... Layna"

I could tell Joe either had just been crying or was crying.

L-"Are you Okay"
J-"No, no I'm not"
L-"Whats happened"
J-"That two-faced bitch that you call you Sister was kissing another guy tonight"
L-"I'm sure that's not what happened"
J-"I saw it with my own eyes, I thought I was gonna marry her, I thought I would have children with Dianne, I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with her and loving her but I guess not, I hate your disgusting sister so much... I don't open up to woman ever and I finally did and she betrayed me like this I can't believe that she had the nerve to do that I loved her, I love her"
J-"She lied she doesn't love me she never did"
L-"The person who kissed Dianne was her ex and he pushed her against a wall and held her there until Dianne pushed him off of her and came running to find you, Dianne wasn't kissing another guy"
L-"She wasn't kissing another guy if you had waited another second you would have seen her push him off, and also Dianne is sat right next to me and you're on speaker"

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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