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Rose's POV:

"It's...it's...over." My heart sinks at Billie's slurred words.
A smirk spread across her drunken lips as she holds onto the marble island for balance. Her eyes rolling around her head as sweat drips down her flustered cheeks from her soaked black/purple hair.

I'm left stunned and speechless at her words. Why? How can she say something so big and still have a smile on her lips.

Without saying a word I push past her and leave the house. The music blasting behind me as I quickly walk down the driveway. Running my fingers through my gelled hair.

"ROSE!?" Issac shouts from the oak double doors. I shake my hair at him and unlock my SUV before slamming the door behind me.
Times like this I'm glad my windows are blacked out, I hate people seeing me cry.

I ignore his words, tears escaping and running down my heated cheeks. Issac, Dani and Elijah run down the driveway towards me. In the corner of my tear filled eyes I catch a glimpse of Billie stood in the doorway, Q wrapping his arms around her waist and whispering something in her ear.

"He can have her." Is the only whisper I can push out of my trembling lips.

With that I speed away before my group of friends can reach my SUV.

Fuck her.


Elijah: Bro you gonna speak to us?
Dani: Rose?! Bitch reply to us!

Rose: What
Rose: Do
Rose: You
Rose: Want

Billie: Rose can you please call me?

Rose removed Billie from chat

I'm not in the mood to be talking to any of them, especially to Billie. No way am I going to let her just jump back into my life after saying something so serious with a fucking smile on her face?

So what if she was drunk? The truth comes out when your drunk, so I guess this is what she wants. Don't even get me started on Q being so touchy towards her.
For a week him and Billie have been meeting up everyday, going for meals and disappearing in the middle of the night together. As much as I didn't want to believe it, I guess it's true.

Billie has been cheating on me.

With a groan I finally drag myself out of bed and head to the shower. Even if I am going to just get back into bed, I'd rather lay around smelling good then gagging every time I lift my arms.

After standing in the shower over thinking everything I could have possibly done wrong to make Billie cancel the wedding. I hop out and throw on some basketball shorts and Billie's old tour jumper. Not like I had a choice, all my other clothes are in the wash.

Knock knock knock

Who the fuck is that? Rolling my eyes I pull on some Nike socks and slowly but surely make my way down stairs.

After Billie finished her tour I brought a small but cosy house with the money she paid me for working for her. It's only a single bedroom but it's big enough for me, myself and I - now that Billie isn't here.

I swing open the door to see Elijah, Issac and Dani standing in my doorway. All with sympathetic looks glued to their faces. I step aside and reluctantly let them in.

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