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Rose's POV:

"Like the view?" Billie whispers as she wraps her arms around my waist. Her warm hands coming into contact with my stomach under my baby top. I hun and spin around to face her.

"I am now." She smiles and shakes her head before planting a kiss on my cheek. I watch in awe as she heads back inside of my old apartment located in the middle of London.

"Your soft yano that." I shrug and follow her inside, taking a seat besides her on the couch as she turns on the flat screen TV. I snuggle into her neck, taking in her familiar vanilla smell.

We spend the rest of the night snuggled up in front of the TV. Whispering sweet and dirty things to each other the whole time. Of course Billie falls asleep first, she never was able to handle jet lag. So of course I scoop her up bridal style and carry her up the open plan stairs and into the bedroom. I gently place her under the covers as she rolls over, a small smirk across her plump tired lips.

I scramble down the stairs to try find my obnoxiously loud vibrating phone. I scoop it up and answer it without looking at the caller ID. I slam it across my face a little to hard causing me to put it to my other ear so I can rub the red mark forming on my cheek.


"Sorry hello?" I take a look at the stairs just in case it woke Billie up.

"Suppppp Rose!" I roll my eyes and chuckle at the sound of Alex's voice.

"You good bro? Haven't heard off you for time." She chuckles and lets out a sigh.

"I need help." I take one more look at the stairs before slipping out onto the balcony and sliding the door behind me.

"What's up?" I look at my phone and answer his FaceTime. His cheesy grilled filled teeth shine at me. He pulls away from the camera and starts rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm in a lot of trouble Rose. I got a whole load of dope here and I gotta get the cash ASAP to pay Jonny back." I roll my eyes and lean over the balcony. Letting the cold night wind hit my face lightly.

Let me give you a quick explanation about Alex. I grew up with him in the rough part of London, we both used to deal some weed and coke here and there to get some quick cash. Then we got caught up with Jonny. He was a small skinny lad who was basically a pussy until he dragged me and Alex into a well known London gang. 'Red Blood'. Shit got too messy and my dad found out so he made us move. That's when I started to work with my dad, to keep me on a good path.
It hurts to hear that Alex is still caught up with the whole gang stuff but he's my brother from another mother and I would never leave him to struggle.

I rub the back of my neck and let out a sigh.

"Alex I haven't been in the game for years." He nods quickly.

"I know I know man. But I'm I'm hella deep shit. I can't hustle all this on my own in time." I let out a loud sigh. "Please Rose."

"How much?"

"100 grams." My mouth drops open as he shoots me an apologetic smile. "Common Rose." With a roll of my eyes I turn around in case Billie is there.

"Fine. But I'm not getting dragged into all this shit again. I'm finally on a good path with a great girl." He smiles and nods.

"I know I know. Fucking Billie Eilish aye? I'd tap." I spot him a death stare as he holds up his hands in defence. "There's a party tomorrow night if you wanna come? See the whole gang again? Like old times."

"A party I'm down." I jump at the sound of Billie's voice behind me, grabbing my chest I soften my face and let a small smile spread across my lips.

"Is that Billie?" I nod and turn the camera so Alex can see Billie. She wraps her arms around me before waving and smiling at Alex who waves back.

We say our goodbyes. Leaving me and Billie to stand out in the night air simply cuddling each other.

A part of me is excited to see the whole group again. I'm just worried I'm gonna get sucked in like so many times before.
I look down at the smiling Billie as she looks out at the bright London lights.

I can't lose her again.


"Fuck off." I mumble through my tired chapped lips. Licking them I groan and cover my face as the morning sun decides to me an asshole and shine directly on me.

Great now I can't fall back asleep. With a huff I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes, I blink a few times before turning to look at Billie. Guess what? She's fast asleep because the sun isn't hitting her in the eyeballs unlike it was for me.

I bend down and peck her cheek, making a small smile spread across her plump lips. Damn they always look so good.

I slide out from under the thin sheets and slip on my Nike sliders before quietly heading downstairs into the open plan kitchen.

I open the fridge and grab the orange juice, I pour two glasses and grab a mango. I take my time cutting it into cubes before throwing them into a bowl. I place everything onto a tray and back upstairs into the bedroom to see Billie say up on her phone, properly texting someone or aimlessly scrolling through Instagram.

"Morning shorty." I whisper. Trust me the worst thing you can do is shout when Billie has just woken up. She places the phone down besides her as her eyes widen at the sight of food. "I got mangos and orange juice."

She smiles and holds out her hands making grabbing actions. I quickly shuffle over to her side of the bed and place the tray on the bedside table. She cups my cheeks and kisses me. I can feel her smile on my lips.

She quickly sips on the juice before grabbing the bowl and stuffing a few cubes into her mouth, she lets out a small moan while chewing.

I open the curtains all the way and open the balcony doors to let some fresh air fill the room. Turning around I can't help but smile at the gorgeous sight of Billie Eilish in MY bed. Who'd thought this would come true.
I pull out my phone and snap a quick photo of her.

 I pull out my phone and snap a quick photo of her

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"Brooooo I look vile." She whines while stuffing more mango into her mouth.

"You always look good baby." She scoffs and wipes the mango juice as it makes its way down her chin.

"What we doing today?" I tap my chin and foot before taking a seat at the end of the bed.

"Could go grab some lunch at this cafe I know and then chill before the party tonight?" She hums in response before finishing up the sliced mango. "You didn't save me none?"

Her face drops for a split second before she opens her mouth to reveal the chewed mango on her tongue. I cringe at the sight and slap her thigh while shaking my head.

"You nasty bro." I giggle.

"Can we go shopping?" I turn to face Billie, a confused expression glued to my face.

"Billie Eilish wants to go shopping?" I say in a very posh accent. She scoffs and places her empty bowl onto the bedside table and grabbing her juice.

"I wanna go to some secret places bro. With all the expressive vintage shit." I make my mouth into an 'o' and nod as she sips her juice very loudly might I add.

"Get changed then shorty." I throw a pillow at her causing her to nearly spill her juice. Before she can react I run into the on-suite bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"Asshole." She shouts while groaning.

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