"Come With Me."

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Rose's POV:

Today was the start of Finneas and Billie's month long tour. I knew from what occurred last night that I was gonna need to stay by Billie's side at all times. She told me herself that she didn't feel safe, so last night I slept in bed with her.

Nothing happened of course, I'd never push Billie to have feelings towards me or expect her to even touch me in the same ways she has done many times before. I wasn't even going to touch her at all in case it brought back memories of what happened last night.
But after a few hours of her crying by my side she turned and cuddled into me, her head on my chest. We stayed like that until the morning when we had to reluctantly get ready to leave.

Which leads us to now. I felt bad watching Finneas, Patrick and Maggie have to carry my bags into the bus since I could hardly move from my bruised ribs. But I tried to help in any way possible, even if it was carrying simple things like Billie's snack bag, which as you can guess was full of Takis and Vegan beans.

I wanted to drive my SUV and bring my motorbike along but that didn't seem like a good idea from my injuries. So Maggie let me stay on the tour bus with them, she said I could have her bed but of course I said no and opted on sleeping on the couch instead.

I rummage through my duffle bag and pull out my Apple Mac laptop. Lifting the lid I click on Netflix and settle under the LV blanket Billie had given me to sleep with. I select Orange Is The New Black and snuggle further into the blanket as Season 7 Episode 1 begins.

"Rose..." Billie whispers through the dark room. I quickly pause the episode and smile up at a tired looking Billie. She shuffled closer while playing with her sleeves. "I can't sleep." Understandable.

With a small smile glued to my lips I move my legs into a sitting position and pat the place besides me, within seconds she's laid her head on my lap and pulled the blanket over her head, enough so she can see the laptop screen.

We sit in silence watching a few episodes before I chuckle at the sound of her grumbling stomach. She hasn't eaten since yesterday so no wonder she's learning whale noises.

"Want me to make you a burrito?" She nods slowly while sitting up. I hurry into the small kitchen and start to microwave some of her vegan beans while sorting out the rest of the ingredients.

Once it's all made she basically engulfs it and lets out a satisfied burp, before taking her space on my lap like before.


Running my fingers through my clean cut hair I wink at my reflection. I adjust the chain around my neck before walking out of the closest and into the tour buses living room area.

"Looking fire." Finneas smiles and nods at my Blohsh suit.

"Everyone ready?" I shout making Billie and her team face me. It's crazy that I'm head body guard now, it's was all Maggie's idea since I knew the ins and outs of Billie's tours and I knew her fans.

Everyone mumbles yes in response.

I exit the bus first, instantly pounded with questions from the press and screaming fans. I nod at the other guards and they nod back, indicating everyone is safe for the team to come out.

Billie's team exits first. They give a few waves before hurrying through the backstage door. Finneas, Maggie and Patrick exit next, the fans scream Finneas's name as I escort them into the building. I quickly jog back to the bus and wait for Billie to exit next.


The fans go crazy as Billie exits the bus. A huge smile plastered on her plump lips as she skips down the steps. Instantly she runs to the crowd of screaming girls, they quickly snap as many photos of her as she hugs and smiles to as many as she can. I look down at my Apple Watch and sigh. I hate having to peel her away from her fans but we're on a tight schedule right now and she has 5 minuets until sound check.

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