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Rose's POV:

I groan at the sharp shooting pain in my chest, so much for pain killers. They do fuck all. My eyes flutter open as they adjust to the bright hospital light that just has to be right above me.

"Hey." A soft male voice whispers from besides me. Once my eyes adjust I smile at the sweet sight of Finneas sat on the couch writing while Billie sleeps with her head on his lap.

"Hey." I mumble back while pushing myself into a sitting position, I grab my chest as the pain sparks up again.

"Want me to get the-" I hold my hand up and shake my head.

"It's chill." He nods slowly as a reply before closing his notebook and placing it on the arm rest. "You guys don't have to stay yano?" He smiles and shakes his head.

"You really think Bil is gonna leave?" We both look at the sleeping Billie. Her lips slightly curled up into a smile as her light breathing slowly blows her hair that covers her face.

"Sometimes I wish she would." His eyes go wide with confusion as I chuckle and shake my head. "Not like that dude. I mean...we've been through a lot of shit. And this." I point to my chest which is covered in wires and giant plasters. "Is a lot."

He nods before slowly and gently nudging Billie's head from his lap, he places it softly onto the couch and stands. I watch as he pulls a chocolate bar from his backpack and holds it out for me to take.

"Thanks." He nods again as I take it from his grasp.

"It's not vegan. But don't tell Bil that." He places his index finger to his lips as we share a small chuckle together. "Yano. Us O'Connells get attached easily. Especially that little shit there." He points to Billie.

"I know." I reply while fiddling with the tubes in my hand.

"When Billie loves someone, she loves them with everything she has. Look at her and X, she was head over sneakers for him and when all that bad shit went down she went down with it. She's doing the same with you." I quickly wipe the escaping cheers as they start to dribble down my cheek.

Finn grabs a tissue and hands it me, I smile as a thank you before wiping my tears and scrunching the wet tissue in my hand causing my knuckles to turn white.

"I wanna make her birthday wish true. On her birthday." He furrows his brows before taking a seat at the end of my hospital bed, he places his hand over mine and smiles.

"You got two weeks dude. That's gonna be tight." I nod and smile, my gaze still locked onto my white knuckles.

"Id do anything for that girl. It's the least I can do from the shit Iv...the shit Iv put her through." My voice cracks as more tears start to fill and blur my eyesight.

"So I'm really gonna be best man?" I laugh and nod my head. He smiles excitedly before turning to the stirring Billie.

"Reckon she heard all that?" I whisper, we both watch as Billie starts to wake up.

I quickly wipe away the remaining tears and hide the tissue as Billie sits up, rubs the sleep from her eyes and runs a finger through her hair. A large smile creeping across her lips as she locks eyes with me.
Finneas stands and heads towards the door, he turns around to face us, a goofy smile on his lips.

"She definitely heard that." With that he closes the door behind him. Leaving me and Billie alone.

I turn to Billie to see her large toothy smile as she try's to sort out her messy bed hair.

"Did you?" I ask, keeping our eyes locked. She looks down at her ring filled fingers as she nods.



"All set?" I nod slowly while lifting myself into the wheelchair besides the bed. With a grunt I drop myself into the chair as Billie starts to slowly push me through the hallways.

I take one last look into the hospital room just as we turn the corner. With a deep breath I watch the nurses and patients pass by us. None of them knowing my story and my future. So many stories being created and lost in one building, it's strange to think about really. But as the cold winter air slaps me in the face I realise my life, my future with the girl pushing me is only just about to begin.


I pull the Louis Vuitton covers over myself as Billie starts to rummage through her overflowing wardrobe. She hums a slight tune to herself while throwing joggers, jumpers and shorts into a rucksack , she sighs before zipping it up and throwing it next to her bedroom door.
I smile as she slides onto the bed besides me, she gently pulls the sheets over her fully clothed body before wiggling further under the sheets and turning over to face me.

"Hey." I whisper, stilling holding my chest from the shooting pains. She frowns while reaching her hand over and placing it on top of my chest.

"You good mamas?" I nod quickly and place my hand to cup her cheek, she snuggles into my hand and smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiles wider if that's even possible. Her eyes dart down to my lips for a split second before gazing back into my tired eyes.

Slowly she closes her eyes and wiggles closer to me, her sweet plump lips press against mine as I push against her. The kiss only lasts a few seconds but it's exactly what I needed, it's exactly what Iv missed.

She rolls onto her back and opens her arms for me. I scoot across the small space between us and place my head on her chest. The sound of her heart beating rapidly plays in my ears as the tiredness starts to take over. Her hands get lost in my hair as she gently rubs my scalp, causing the tiredness to drown me quicker.

"Goodnight fuck girl." She whispers.

"Goodnight B." I whisper back right as sleep takes over.


I'm sorry it's short. But a lot is coming.

Including the wedding bells😊

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