The Fuck Do I Do?

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Rose's POV:

I slam my phone down onto the kitchen side with a groan.

"Guess the fuck what?" I turn around and face Tiff.

Long story short Tiff is always the person I go to when I have to dip away for a few days. Or in my case a few months. I've known Tiff for the past few years, I met her through Lucy but Tiff always chose my side since she knew how bad Lucy could get. So here I am, staying at her place in the middle of busy NewYork for the second time this year. I practically live here when I got shit going on.
I can't lie and say we never fucked because well we did. A girl has needs.

She stares at me blankly, waiting for me to answer since she can't be bothered to try guess.

"Billie is dating some douche called Kyro." Her jaw drops.

"Kyro kyro?" I nod with a confused expression on my face.

"Yes like I just said." Her jaw still hitting the ground.

"Kyro is like the new up coming artist! He's dope as shit!" I shoot her a death stare as she stops and holds her hands up in defence.

"Shit, imma be late." I quickly grab my keys before rushing to the door. I tap my foot while waiting for Tiff to pull her jacket on and follow behind me. "Do I look good?" I watch as her eyes trail up and down my outfit.



I help Tiff slide off my bike, we pull off our helmets in sync while Issac comes running down his drive, a huge grin glued to his chapped lips.

Me and Issac have been in touch a lot the past 2 months. No one else knows about us talking because we wanted it to be a surprise. He knows everything that's happened and has kept me updated on the rest of the group.
I didn't want to keep contact with everyone in case they blurted it out and Lucy found out where I was. But that shits in the past now since she got arrested and thrown in jail to rot for beating up and nearly killing a teen girl.

So I'm safe for a few years.

"You fixed your ride!" I nod as he rubs his hands over my bike, practically drooling over it. "Wanna hide it round the back?" I nod again and slide back onto the bike.

Goosebumps form over my body as it roars to life beneath me.

"Meet you inside yeah?" Tiff smiles and links arms with Issac as they head back inside. I slowly drive the bike to the back of the twins new place.


Billie's POV:

"Want a toke?" I stare blankly at the spliff between Kyro's fingers. I haven't smoked weed for months, but right now I need to ease up from Issac's words earlier.

The thought of Rose actually turning up has been swarming my mind for the past few hours, not even the alcohol could take her off my mind.

She's not gonna turn up Billie.

I shout in my mind, I reluctantly take the spliff from Kyro and inhale a large toke. Holding it in for a few seconds I blow it out and let out a little giggle.

I'm such a lightweight when it comes to weed.

I look down at my lit up screen to see Rose has posted on Instagram. First time in 3 months Iv seen her name on my screen. With a deep breath I practically throw the spliff to Kyro before picking up my phone and sliding onto the post. My jaw hangs open at the sight of Rose on my screen.

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