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Billie's POV:

I stumble around the house. Not really sure where I am or where I'm even going. The one thing I do know is I need to find Rose because I need my bed.

I grip the kitchen counter and scan the room, my eyes spinning around my head as I land on Issac talking to a very tall pink haired girl. As much as I don't wanna be a cock block, I still go up to him.

"Iss-Issac?" I mumble while gripping his shoulder. He looks down at me and smiles while draping an arm over my shoulder to keep me balanced.

"Someone's a little drunk." He chuckles and shakes me a little, making me feel a WHOLE lot better. Jokes.

"Seen Rose?" I slur while wiping my nose on the back of my sleeve, making him chuckle again and shake his head.

"Yeah she's out back, need some help?" I nod slowly and shoot the pink haired girl an apologetic smile.

"Sorry for taking your man away from you." She giggles and waves us both off as Issac helps me out the back door and over to Rose.

My eyes struggle to adjust to the dark, but once they do I spot Rose and Lucy chatting and giggling together. The fuck.
I stop in my tracks and just stare at the scene in front of me. Rose seems oddly comfortable.

She's resting her elbows on her knees, bent forward slightly making her muscles look even bigger. Her head is turned to face Lucy who's giggling away like a child, spliff in hand.

Rose laughs and shakes her head causing her gaze to catch mine. She drops the gaze to her feet as she shuffles them while flicking the spliff end away.

"I-I wanna go back inside Issac."

"Oh shit. Okay Common little one." He holds me as we turn around and start to walk into the house. Rose's eyes digging into the back of my head and Lucy lets out a loud giggle.


"Fuckkkk" I groan while rubbing the back of my neck. Issac just updated me on the shit I pulled last night. I grab my water bottle and take a large gulp of it to try swallow the lump in my throat.

Me, Issac, Elijah and the pink haired girl who I found out is called Katie are sat in the twins kitchen. I crashed here last night since Rose was too occupied with Lucy. Plus I doubt she'd want to speak to me after the shit I pulled, which I don't remember might I add.

"Rose is on her way." Elijah mumbles while turning his phone around so I could see their texts.

" Elijah mumbles while turning his phone around so I could see their texts

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I fucked her head without even realising it. Fuck am I getting drunk again.

You all know that's one big ass lie.

I slump back into the couch and pinch the bridge of my nose. So much for having a great 2 weeks break, it's my first night off and it's gone to shit. I let out a loud sigh as Issac put something on Netflix. Him and Katie cuddle up on the couch opposite me while Elijah starts to order the pizza.

The loud knocks on the door mean I have to face up to what I pulled last night. Fuck knows what I'm gonna say or do to even make it up to her. She's done everything in her power to keep me safe and happy and I wrecked it all in one night.

I straighten up on the couch and adjust my tangled chains that hang around my neck. I dunno if it's the weight of the chains making it hard to breath or if it's my anxiety and the feeling of my tics trying to push through.

Rose walks in awkwardly and dabs everyone. She wiggles her brows at Issac and Katie before taking a seat besides me. Well on the other side of the couch but still.

"Sup Rose." She keeps her gaze locked to the tv.

"Sup B." Her face stays straight as there's no emotion in her voice, the only thing I can see is her leg jiggling meaning she's nervous or pissed off, maybe both.

I rub my sweating hands on my thighs before wiping my nose on the back of my sleeve, cringing at the snotty mark.

"Getting ill again?" Elijah laughs while cringing at the snot mark.

"When am I not?" I ask with a chuckle while spinning my sleeve around to hide the mark.

I look over to Rose as she pulls out her vibrating phone, Lucy's name flashing across the screen. With a smirk she stands and heads out to the back garden, closing the door behind her. I let out the breath I was holding. Elijah takes the seat besides me where Rose was sat.

"Yano I asked her round here so you two could actually talk. Like the fuck." He shakes his head and smiles before looking at the tv. I follow his gaze as we all sit in silence and watch Netflix.

Well I say in silence yet all you can fucking hear is Issac and Katie whispering and giggling to each other. Don't get me wrong I love the fact that Issac has finally found a girl he likes, but it's not exactly making me feel any better considering the girl I love is outside talking to her crazy ex.
Fun times aye?

"Imma- Imma go outside." I point to the back door while pushing myself off the couch. Elijah hums in response, his eyes still glued to the tv.

Slowly but surely I shuffle myself to the back door, I can't hear no one talking. So I open the door and peek my head around to find Rose sat and playing with the freshly cut grass. I watch as she pulls at the grass, playing with it between her fingers before throwing it besides her.

"Why does this always happen man?" So much for me starting the conversation. I take a seat besides her, sitting Indian style and watching the clouds above us.

"What you mean?" I know exactly what she means but for once I wanna hear her side of the story before I go throwing accusations. She lets out a sigh before lying down, crossing her arms behind her head.

"Everytime we get to a good stage one of us fucks things up." She lets another sigh before closing her eyes. By this point I have no clue what to say or ask her. "I didn't sleep with Lucy before you think anything."

"I didn't-" she cuts me off by sitting up and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Oh but you did. I know you too well shorty." We share a chuckle as she draws patterns on my thighs.

"I didn't sleep with Q." She scoffs and pulls away from my shoulder.

"But you kissed him and dry humped him. Who even does that?" She scoffs again and throws more grass besides her.

"Someone who was hella drunk." I spin on the grass to face her, I cup her cheeks forcing her to look at me. I gulp at the sight of the sadness in her misty green eyes.

"B-" But I cut her off by placing a kiss on her plump lips. She smirks while kissing me back. Her hands send a warm feeling through my body as she grabs my waist. I pull away and rest my forehead on hers.

"Rose. I love you. I'm sorry I fucked up yet again. But bro, Iv never had someone stuck on my mind like you are." I look down at her lips, causing her to peck mine once more.

"PIZZA." Elijah screams through the house. We share a chuckle before she pushes herself up off the grass, holding a hand out for me. Of course I take it and allow her to help me to my feet. I quickly brush the grass from my ass and follow her inside.

Just as Rose is about to open the door I grab her waist and spin her around. Biting my lip I cup her face and kiss her once more.

"I could get used to that." She whispers onto my lips.

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