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Billie's POV:

I watch as Rose turns the corner with an apologetic look glued to her face. I roll my eyes and wiggle to get comfortable on the cold brick wall. I pull out my phone and aimlessly scroll through Instagram.

My head shoots up at the sound of a gunshot. I hold my breath as my heart begins to speed up and echo through my rib cage as I slowly push my phone into my pocket and stand, gripping onto the wall for balance as my whole body begins to shake.

With every step towards the ally I feel like I'm going to puke, but I swallow hard to keep it down. I pop my head around the corner and see a body on the floor, two figures standing at the other end.
I take another deep breath as the street lamp shines gassing the diver gun in one of the figures hands.

I lower myself into a crouch as I sit and watch the scene play. I'm not stupid and I'm not about to play hero and risk my life running down a dark ally way when there's a gun about.

A single tears runs down my cheek as the second gunshot goes off. It echoes and causes my ears to ring as I watch the second body slowly fall. The street lamp shines on the figures face.

It's Rose.

My heart skips a beat as I jump up into action.
Everything goes in slow motion, every step I take my body feels heavier as I watch her limp body hit the ground.

I instantly pull her head onto my lap and stroke her face as her eyes roll around and flutter closed. The tears don't stop as they drip onto Rose's forehead below me. I push down on the gaping hole in her chest, but the blood just pours through my fingers and creates a pool around us.

My heart shatters as I watch her try to speak, but the blood dripping out of her lips stop her. Her eyes flutters shut as I lean my head on hers, stroking her hair and silently sobbing.

Sirens echo around me as the blue lights illuminate my dying girlfriend in my lap.

"HELP!" I scream in repeat. I lower my head and sob again at the sound of pounding footsteps getting closer and closer. The crackling of police radios get closer.

I kiss Rose's forehead over and over again.

"I-I love you." You mumbles before her head drops to the side and her eyes roll back. I grip her tighter and pull her closer to me as the tears roll from my chin and onto her face.

"Miss?" The paramedics pull Rose from me and start frantically pulling things from their first aid kit and start hooking her up to a small machine.

A female police officer pulls me from the ground and pulls me into a hug as I sob into her chest. Not taking my eyes off of the lifeless Rose below me.

I push from the female officers grip as they start to buckle Rose's body to a stretcher and wheel her to the ambulance.

"No!" I scream and grab onto the paramedics arm. She looks me up and down, a sorry expression glued to her face and she looks at the officer behind me.

"Family member?" I quickly nod without thinking and reply,

"Fiancé." She nods and signals for me to climb into the ambulance. I grab Rose's cold lifeless hand as they close the ambulance doors.

"I love you too." I whisper as more blood drips from her open mouth.

Short I know I'm sorry, but this gives you a little insight to what Billie has to go through and how she felt.

Since many of you commented on the last chapter and messaged me, I will be carrying on this book. I'm not sure I'm taking this story.

If you have any ideas on what you'd like to happen then comment them here or message me.

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