Your Not Safe

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Rose's POV:

I adjust the gold chain that hangs around my neck. The sound of late Friday night LA starts to become louder as we grow closer to the club scene. People high and drunk fill the streets and pile into overcrowded clubs and bars as me, Josh, Tana, Tiff, Jake Paul, Logan Paul and their friends all walk down the sidewalk.

I quickly check the time and sigh, I honestly haven't been away from Billie for this long for ages. I miss her already and I'm scared for the wedding but I'm also excited because it's a day we and everyone else will never forget.

"ID please." A buffalo looking chocolate man asks in a deep voice. He looks up from Josh's ID and smiles as soon as he sees me. "Rose!" He pulls me into a hug while chuckling and patting my back.

"Sup Rory." Everyone looks at me with confused expressions glued to their faces. "He used to work for my dad." They all nod along and say their hello's to Rory before heading into the club. I hang back for a few minuets to catch up with Rory.

"How's LA treating you girl?" I smile and light the spliff from behind my ear.

"Pretty great. Getting married in two days." His smile grows wider as he nods and checks some girls ID before turning back to me.

"Billie is one lucky girl. How's the chest holding up?"

"You heard about that?" I furrow my brows before flicking the spliff away.

"It was all over the news." I nod slowly as Josh comes back out.

"I better go. It's my hen do after all." He hugs me goodbye before me and Josh head back inside.

The loud thumping of music grows louder as we make away inside. The beat rattling my rib cage as we sit in the VIP booth in the corner of the room. A few people recognise me and say hello.

"There She is!" Tana shouts while handing me a dark brown drink. I smile and sip it slowly as we all begin to chat about the wedding and mine and Billie's plans for the future.

Before I know it we've been here for three hours. We danced for a while and drank some more as the club began to slowly empty.

"We got one last surprise." Josh smiles as he speaks. I furrow my brows and try to concentrate my drunken eyes on him. He nods towards a door besides us as a group of strippers start to flow out of it.

My eyes widen as I chuckle and shake my head. Billie will kill me if she finds out. The female strippers start to dance and slowly remove their clothing as they pull me up from the booth and sit me down on a chair in the middle of the dance floor.

I groan at the whole idea. But it's too late now, Iv already got a girl dancing on my lap while the others dance and circle me. Everyone laughs and records it.

They pull the Paul brothers up and start dancing with them, by now everyone of us has a stripper dancing all over us. I can't help but let my hands travel over the short silver haired stripper dancing on my lap.


Billie's POV:

Me and Finneas pull up outside the Bell twins beach house. We decided on not going to a club as we wouldn't be able to enjoy ourself without me and Finn getting noticed. So the twins decided to throw a party at their beach house instead.

I slide out of my Dodge Challenger with Finneas following closely behind. The loud music echoing down the driveway as we head towards the double doors.

"Yoooooo." Issac shouts as he throws open the doors and engulfs me in a hug. Behind him the house is filled with everyone I know.

For the next hour I greet everyone and have a small conversation with them. After I head outside to find the Twins with Dani. I slump down besides them and down the three drinks on the table in front of us.

"Bitch that was mine." I shrug and smile at Dani who slaps my shoulder playfully. "We gotta get you fucked up."


The twins say in sync causing me to laugh as the alcohol starts to kick in. Elijah runs off inside the house before coming back out with a chug - a long tube that you shove into a bottled drink so you can down it quicker.

I roll my eyes playfully before standing up and taking the chug from them. They connect it to a large bottle of Jack Daniels. Within seconds Iv downed it with everyone screaming and cheering around me. They connect it to a bottle of Vodka and of course I chug it down within seconds.

By now I can't see anything straight, everyone and everything is shaking or out of focus. The world is literally spinning around me as I quickly stagger to sit back down.
For the rest of the night we dance and I slowly sip my drinks considering puke it making its way up my throat. But I'm no bitch and I'm not about to let all that drink go to waste and come back out as puke.

My drunken eyes start to flutter shut as sleep tries to take over. Planning a wedding is Fucking tiring work. But they soon shoot open and I tell you now, Iv never sobered up so quick as the sight of someone.


I jump to my feet and grab Elijah and Issac's arms. They chuckle and turn away from the group they were talking to and face me.

"Wassup?" Issac asks with a worried expression glued to his face once he sees the panic in my eyes. I point to Kyro who's stood by the fence sipping a drink and watching us.

The twins follow My pointing until they spot him. Both of their eyes widen as they share a look between themselves.

"Got any security with you?" Issac whispers. I slowly shake my head as the panic really starts to set in. My hands begin to shake and my heart starts to pound against my ribcage.

"Fuck." Elijah mumbles as he places his drink down and starts to make his way towards Kyro. Me and Issac slowly shuffle closer so we can hear what's going on.

Why is he here? How did he know about this party? The only people invited were people I knew and liked. I let out a loud sigh before looking down at my shoes as I shuffle them.

"Bro you can't be here. It's a private party." Elijah says to Kyro. I can still feel his eyes on me.

"What? I can't say congratulations to Billie?" He scoffs. Before I know it I'm looking at my shoes and his shoes. He's a few inches away from me. The smell of alcohol surrounding me even more now he's close by.

I slowly lift my head up to face him. His dark black eyes digging into mine as the twins stand besides me. Issac places a hand on the small of my back.

"Say congrats and leave." Issac spits, causing Kyro to scoff and take a step closer.

He leans in to my ear and takes in a deep breath.

"Congrats on being a lesbo." With that he places a kiss on my cheek and turns on his heels before walking out the back gate.

I let out a sigh of relief before dropping my gaze and pushing my face into Elijah's chest. Tears start flowing down my cheeks and dripping off my chin.

The sound of a car alarm causes the twins to pull away from our embrace and run out the back gate. I quickly follow behind them to see the state of my Dodge Challenger.

The windscreen has been smashed alongside all the other windows. The tires have been slashed and the words 'Your not safe" are scratched along the bonnet.

My heart shatters at the sight.

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