A New Beginning

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Jimin pov:

"Mom! Where should I go? There is nowhere to go! Most of our family is here!" I said as the capital being burnt down by human waging war over us.

"I'm so sorry sweetie" while she hold me in tight embrace. "to think that you will be the chosen one, but there is one who is your cousin that lives across the seas, there you will find her."

"Mom, I can't leave you here." I said to her.

"You must! Or else they will use you and destroy you! You are young and innocent. I see why the gods chosen you and your beauty." Touching my cheeks.

"What do you mean the chosen one? Your not making any sense."

"I'm Sorry, but you will one day, but now you have to go; sorry baby that I can't be there for you." As she kiss my forehead one last time and help me escape the castle grounds. My father is out at the front of the castle trying to hold them off, but there's just too many of them that I'm not sure he's alive or not. The village below is nothing but a pool of Red Sea and dancing fire all around, the horror that my clan now face extinction. But the thing is that my clan is mix of humans, demons and even half breeds, now all gone.

We hurry to the hidden passage down the hall, and everywhere we walk there is bodies on the floor painting the floor red. We finally reach to my fathers chambers where there is a hidden passageway, my mother move one of the statue and it open an underground passageway from beneath the floor. We climb down and close the door above so that they wouldn't follow us and hurry down the tunnels.

The place is so dark with only a few light torches that lead the way out. Once we reach the end there a long leaves covering the exist and my mother peeks out first to see if there's no humans are around exit area. When she thinks it's safe she told me to wait here inside the tunnel as she go further out to double check to see if the costs is clear before signing me to come out. Soon that it was clear we quietly move out when all of a sudden a soldier pop out from the bushes and within a blink of an eye my mother dodge it so fast that she push me aside that I fell on the floor.

Staying on the floor I see that it is going to be an odd fight with 2 to 1, knowing my mother I am sure she can handle them. She move her hands and the trees vines move and point them straight for soldiers and the tree vines pick them up and throw then hard on the tree truck which lead them unconscious.

Mother turn her head and pick me up from the floor and we hurry out. "We found them my lord! They're over there!" I heard one of the soldiers shouting while we are trying to make the run for it.

Deep into the forest, we finally made way through the village where people are running, screaming all over the place. The sounds of babies which cut short when slaughtered them to keep quiet, kids crying for their parents. Men and women tried to run, but ment their end to the soldiers with their swords and the entire place is nothing but crimson red all over. All is too much that I was about the faint in the sight. "Come Jimin. Stay with me!" When my mother is trying to keep me steady and encourage me to keep going.

As we are almost there more soldiers came and this time they surrounded us. "Mom! What do we do?" I ask and starting to get scared thinking if we ever going to make it out alive, she tried to look some ways to get out of this situation. The odds are against us is too great and that this time there is nowhere to hide.

"When I tell you to run you better run and don't turn back understand." She says to me, while I hid behind her. When I already know that this is the last time I'll ever see my mother alive. I nodded my head and with a snap of her fingers. The leaves push the soldiers aside just enough for me to escape. "Now go!"

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