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Maria pov

That annoying girl, to think she will go against Jimin? Stupid. What more surprising is Jimin, a white dragon? Things just keep getting more interesting each passing day. Going back to my room to see all of my things trash on the floor. Being alarm, I look all over to see what is being distributed, when I strong pair of hand push me around and pin me to the wall. "What the hell! Let go of me."

"You think you can get away by stabbing behind my back again? You have another think coming, Maria."

"Lord Tao?! But how! You are dead!"

"Dead? You think Jungkook can kill me easily by beheading me? Immortality is a beauty isn't it?" Joseph says as he squeezes my neck harder, making it harder to breath.

"Please! I ca..." I tried saying, looking at he's not the Joseph I know anymore. He's a lot older and his hair is gray, and it looks like he used all what's left of Jimin's blood to bring himself back. Definitely time is running out. If doesn't get a hold of his blood fast he will disappear into dust. Perfect. Less people to deal with honestly.

"Shut up you stupid girl. Who was the one that accepted you when your own family kick you out? Who was the one who gave you a home to stay? Food to feed you when you are hungry?"

"You, my lord."

"And what is the penalty for betraying me twice?"

"Death." I Said still fighting my way out of his strong grip.

"Good. Now who else is in my way of getting my love Jimin? Spill it unless you want to die."

"Ah! Please!" As his grip keep getting tighter and I had to slap his hand but it is not working. "Okay. I'll talk!" I manage to say and he loosen his grip a little but not letting me go.


"There's this girl named Sarah, who wanted Jimin dead because she loves Jungkook still. There is also Adam, he knows what Jimin is but he only knows little information about it and nothing more." And finally he let go and I drop on the ground gasping for air.

"Well it better be. It's time I use this." Holding out the fan that I stole from Jimin. "I already called out my soldiers to come and they will be here in two days time."

"My Lord. There is something else you should know."

"And what is that?"

"Your so called Jimin is pregnant with lord Jungkook children and this time it's twins he carries. Aside all that Jimin is that white serpent dragon."

"I thought that is a myth."

"I thought so too but it is not."

"Interesting. With this fan we can still control him once the time is right, we'll use this to go against him and Jungkook will not know what hit him."

"Yes." As I watch him looking at the fan like it is the most precious thing in the world. All that came into mind is how the hell did he steal the fan from me.

Sarah pov

Panic, I ran into my room and lock everything away. Ever since the battle with Jimin, I started to hear strange whispers, illusions all around. I even scared my father and all my other servant too.

"You think you can hide? You can't hide I'm always watching you. I know that you remember."

"Get out!" I said turning around and see nobody around me.

"Get out? Ha! You can't escape this time."

"Go away!"

"You want me gone? There is only death."

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