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All of Jeons's government officials were called for a meeting about something that had everyone confused as to what this is called for? They were all talking amongst themselves while they waited for Lord Jeon to arrive.

"What do you think this is about? It's unusual for Lord Jeon to called us at this time of day."

"Your right. You think it's that boy he always hung around with?"

"Maybe, but I heard from Adam that the boy is a blue blood chosen by the gods."

"Is that right? How did he come up with this information? And if that's the case should we called off this engagement with Lady Miku? Since there is no need for her if that boy is a blue blood."

"I don't know, but something is up with him. Sure the previous Lord Jeon chose him to watch over us, but since he died. Things seem to be off, he becomes more ambitious than ever like he's trying to take over Lord Jeon's place as Lord."

"You think?"

"Have you meant this blue blood person?"

"No. But I heard some did, but only Lord Jeons closest friends were able. Hey you there, come here." Said one to a young man named Taehyung to come here.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Have you meant this blue blood person that Lord Jeon has around in his chambers?"

"Jimin? Yes. I have."

"Great. Can you tell us about him? We are curious to who this person is since none of us here never meet the person."

"Oh. Well your going to meet him today. Lord Jeon wanted him come to his meetings today. So you'll see him today."

"Him? A man? Hmm... interesting."

"My Lord!" Shouted a voice and they all turn to see that it is Adam.

"Oh boy, if it isn't Adam." 

He rushed over where the lords are gathered together waiting for Lord Jeon to arrived. "Lord Kim." Bowing a little to Taehyung and he also bow a little to Adam.

"If you excuse me. I'll be going." Taehyung Said and disappear into the crowd of men.

"What was that about?" Adam asked and everyone went quiet.

"Nothing. We are just wondering why Lord Jeon called us for. That is all."

"Oh? I wonder too?"

Soon the sound of drums begin and everyone in the room start to go into their position as the sound of Lord Jeons arrival.

Once everyone is at their place, Lord Jeon enters along with someone they have never seen before. This person is young and beautiful, flawless skin and pure white like pearl. The young male wore a white robe while Lord Jeon wore Black. The young man, had a white robe with gold outline of the fabric with a faint color of light blue on it. He also wore a hairpin piece on his hair that is gold color but the design of crescent moon and a white pearl as a star on each side. Everyone is amazed, capitalizing by his beauty and couldn't keep their eyes off of him. Some looked down feeling ashamed of how beautiful he is and not worthy to even look at him.

To the young man surprise, everyone bow down except a few who didn't, just surprised by his looks. Looking around he sees that it is Adam and few others that stay standing. Keeping this in his mind, he continued to follow towards the throne chair.

Once Jungkook is seated and Jimin to his right, "so shall we begin the meeting?" Jungkook said and everybody got up and face their lord as the meeting begins.

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