Lovers Querials*

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Jimin pov

We walk in silence in the forest, looking up at the sky I see that it is getting dark and looking back at Jungkook I see that his anger settled down too. Not sure when it is the right time to speak, I just kept my mouth shut. The further we walk I began to hear water and the closer we got there was the sound of rushing water came louder. Looking around I see that we are at the place we use to hang out behind the waterfall.

Walking up to the hidden stairs we made way behind the waterfall where there is a hidden room that me and Jungkook created when we wanted to escape the palace. I'm surprised that the place had not changed one bit. Jungkook settled down on a big rounded bed with cream colored silk bed sheets as I lay down. The cramping and pain seem to have subsided a little. All I can think of right now are my twins and I hope they are okay, since Joseph went rough on me. I can honestly still feel him inside and it's gross that I just wanted to die.

Jungkook didn't say a word, so he walked towards a small drawer and pick out a change of clothes. I just stayed where I was and watch him. Taking off the top part of his clothes, flexing his muscles. Damn. Denying my sexual urge is a struggle especially him, he put on a new top but didn't bother in tying it. Leaving his bare chest exposed, turning around he walked towards me showing me his body. Just looking at it made me wet suddenly, he lift me up and take me to pond that turn into a bath place. Taking my clothes off and gentle put me down and he follow through, the water felt nice and cold to ease the pain below.


"Shhh...." Was all he says as he clean my body gently. Cleaning my arms, all the down to my thighs and wash it easily and see bruises on my lower half.

"when are you going to tell me this?" I say quietly as I watch Jungkook continued to wash me and keeping it silence. "Please...Jungkook~ah, say something...I'm confused and I want to know why?" Looking down at the water and closing my eyes.

"What is there to say? It was a long time ago anyways." Jungkook says calmly to me and soon he finishes, he picked me up and set me down on the bed and went to grab me a new change of clothes.

"A long time ago? Jungkook this is news to me and it will be fresh to me. How could you? You know that I'll come back...somehow." Raising my voice a little cause I'm upset about this.

"When? Jimin. You have no idea how long I've waited for you. And how my people and the government wanted an heir soon, cause every blue moon I feel major pains that I can't explain. That is when Adam suggest that I go there and sure enough the pain went away."

"But the red district!? Are you crazy Jungkook. What about our promise we made a long time ago!? Did you ever think that? Or did it ever occurred to think about asking the gods for help about it instead of going to them?"

"Well sorry!" Raising his voice at me. "Sorry that I went behind your back and didn't bother asking the gods for help but ever since you died by her. I lost my memory including our promises, everything is lost. So how would I suppose to know." He goes on and tried to touch me again, but I slap it away.

"Don't touch me. This is disgusting, still you should have ask the gods about it anyways. And maybe just maybe they will help you in your problem."

"Yeah? What about you? When I found you, I hear that you were hiding in the red district area? I'm sure you had some there to. Talk about disgusting, your guilty too." Pointing a finger at me.

"Excuse me, if I may have told you or you already forgotten. I have a family member that runs that place. At least she protected me from lusty man! I can't believe I'm sharing you with those woman."

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