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Jimin pov

The next day we set out towards home, while everyone look at me wondering what's wrong with me but Jungkook shook his head to say not nothing. So weak from last night, jungkook hand me over to Taehyung gently so he can get on the horse first. Reaching for his hand and, with my strength I grabbed hold of his arm and he pulled me over.

Resting my head on his chest, feeling completely drained of energy. "Kook..." as my voice hoarse a little.

"Shh... just rest." As we ride out while I fell asleep during our journey home.

Author pov

Jungkooks closest friends look rather worried about Jimin as it shows that he is weaker than usual. Jungkook handed Jimin to Taehyung while he mounted on the horse first. While Tae look at Jimin closely before handing him back to Jungkook. "Tae, Jimin?" Jungkook says and handed him back to Jungkook while Tae showed some concern on his face.

Soon everyone is ready and on their horses they start heading back home. "Hey... Tae. What wrong with Jimin?" Jin whispers to him.

"I don't know. He looks completely weak, I wonder what the gods did to him?" They both shrugged their shoulders as they ride back to the palace in silence.


After a quiet ride back, they were greeted by Lady Sarah and the rest of Jungkook's officials and someone else that is new. Jungkook, wake Jimin up and dismounted his horse and carefully help Jimin down. Jungkook watch as Jimin flinch in pain and carefully take Jimin back to his chambers.

"My Lord! Wait!"

"Not now."

"Please! Wait!"

Turning around Jungkook face one of them. "What is it?"

"What's wrong with him? Can he walk on his own?" Adam says looking at Jimin.

"You maybe one of my close supervisors to help around when im not here, but sure have a mouth that needs fixing."

"Forgive me, but Lady Miku's brother is here."


"And I like for you to meet him." Signing a young man to come over. "This is Lord Ryuki, Lady Miku's brother."

"Nice to meet you Lord Jeon, and who is this?" Looking Jimin who is sleeping in Jungkook's arms, with lust in his eyes.

Jungkook not liking what he see hug Jimin tight in his arms and holding him close. "Someone of no interest. Now if all excuses me, I need to take him back to his ro—"

"Mind if I follow?" Lord Ryuki interrupting Jungkook before he could finish his sentence.

"No! I'm sorry, but I like to be alone." And walk to the direction of his chambers.

"Ju...." Jimin says tiredly.

"Shh... we are almost there." Jungkook says to Jimin as he rest back on Jungkook's chest again.

Jungkook reach his front resident doorway where he meet his Guards. "Don't let anyone in and I don't care who. No one is to enter these doors understood?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Good."  And Jungkook continued to walk inside his chambers.

Jimin pov

After several days of bed rest, I was able to move around a little and feeling much better than before. "How are you feeling? I'm sorry I overdid it."

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