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Author pov

The next day both Jimin and Jungkook woke up to a loud noise outside of the room and Jungkook being half a sleep had get up and see what was the fuss about. "Will you all keep quiet!" He yelled, "we are still sleeping and we don't need this fuss early in the morning." When he stop to see Sarah and the other lady arguing about something and the younger just watch trying to break the two apart.

"Get out! You don't belong here." Sarah says as she tried to push her out.

"Excuse me! How rude of you! You get out!" One says pushing her hand out of the way and her her out of the room.

"What! No you get out!" And they both start to fight by pushing each other out of the room.

Next thing you know half sleeping Jimin came out of the room to check out what's going on. "Can you all keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here." Rubbing his eyes and that is when the ladies stop and ran towards Jimin.

"Jimin! I'm Sorry! Please go back to sleep..." Samantha says apologizing Jimin while the younger followed behind.

"Guys...." Jimin says eyes still close but Jungkook could tell he ways trying to open them, which is cute in his eyes.

"Oh my god Jimin! You're grown big! How? You were barely showing yesterday but you big now!"

"Oh course I am. I'm pregnant."

"No jimin. I mean your big, your showing now."

"Huh?" So Jimin walk back to the room and look at the mirror and see that he is big then usual. "Huh? Strange. I'm only a few days? Or weeks old." He whispers to himself.

"Jimin?" Jungkook says "what's wrong?"


"No. You look worried. What's wrong?"

"This." Pointing at his now baby belly.

"Huh?" Looking at Jimin where he see that Jimin is showing. "What about it?"

"What about it? Jungkook I'm showing now. When I'm only a few weeks old."

"Relax okay? I'm sure it's just normal."


"Look if your still worry a little, I'll have our palace doctor take a look. Okay? For now I am planning on doing a ceremony to make things official."


"Yep. A wedding."

"Oh? Really?"

"Yep. I think it's about time to get it done. Too long and I mean too long it gets pull off."

"Okay. But is it nessassary? I mean I'm pregnant enough."

"Yes. We need to get it done anyways. Just so the people knows okay?"


"Did I hear wedding?" Samantha bud in, "oh this is exciting. I call it for arranging it then."

"What! My Lord you can't do this. What if the people don't agree with it? Lord Jeon I'm against this." Sarah says easedropping the conversation.

"I don't think so. I went to town and it seems like they are happy that Lord Jeon found someone." Jin says.

"I don't like it. I object this marriage." Sarah goes on.

"Who says we need your permission?" Samantha says.

"Excuse me? Wow. You know your place peasant."

"What! Your just jealous that your lord is in love with my Jimin."

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