My Jungkook*

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*Present time*

Jungkook pov

I woke up from a dream that looks like I have met Jimin before oddly enough. I don't know, it is unclear to me what it is though, yet it felt so real. Feeling something weighed heavily on my stomach, I check to see who and to my surprise I only see Jimin sleeping on top of me peacefully. How the hell did he get over here when I was sleeping in the guest room next door? I don't know.

The more I move away, the more he snuggled close to me. So fragile when he sleeps and very peacefully too, suddenly the door slam open making me jump up and Jimin startled a little but not bothering in waking up. carefully getting up and tried not to wake Jimin to see who the heck barge in when instrictly said no one should enter the room.

"Jungkook!" Sarah shouted running towards me.

"What the hell. Who let you enter." I said to her when I froze in my tracks when she sees me trying to getting out of bed and that Jimin is sleeping peacefully.

"Why is 'he' here? He should be locked up!" Sarah said while looking at Jimin who is sleeping away, but slowly starting to wake up and stretch cutely as he is now trying to wake up from a deep sleep.

"Sarah. Your not answering my question." I said to her.

"Your not answering mines as well. So why should i answer yours." She backfires. "Guards! That this creature away from here. Lock him up." She ordered them.

Just when the guards are about to take the daze Jimin who is still trying to wake up, which is cute again. They came up and grabbed his arms and immediately it took Jimin off from his clouded mind. Brushing their arms off, he immediately climb out of my bed and hide behind me cutely and hold on to me tightly with his small hands.

I sigh seeing that he is already attached to me, "Sarah, please leave. You are scaring him and I don't know who gave you permission to come barging in my room."

"But Jungkook!"

"Sarah! Please! This is too early to start arguing with you."


"Guards take her away. And if you ever let her in again your life will be the end of it." Raising my voice and immediately I heard them clear their throats and take Lady Sarah out of my room.

Jimin pov

I woke up from a good night's rest that I have not had in ages it seems. Yawning and stretching good and still sleepy, I hear in the distance someone talking but I'm still too tired to wake up when suddenly a strong pair of arms grip me tightly that immediately hurt and taking me off my dazed mind. I quickly brush it off before it could hurt more and jump out from the bed and hide behind Jungkook's back.

Soon the guard took someone away from the room, Jungkook turn around and look at me. "Hey are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asked me.

(A/N: Jimin is half asleep still)

I nodded my head and what came next is a shock, he end up kissing to where the guard grabbed me that leave a red hand print. As if the kiss could make the pain go away, and it made me blush a little as he moves his lips up from my arms to my shoulder moving up to my neck as he pulled me closer to him that leaves me shocked.

I hear Jungkook chuckled as he wrapped his one hand around my waist and use his other hand to lift up my chin. Slowly with hesitation he leaned down not scaring me and began to kiss me. Surprisingly, I respond back by kissing him. Next thing I know he lift me up, as I wrap my legs and arms around him. Our kiss turn to be more heated then I thought it would be, he placed me back on the bed again pushing my clothes aside from my entrance.

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