The Hunt*

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"My lord, my lord, my lord!" Shouted a servant who is running towards his lord Tao's chambers down the hall.

he open without knocking the door, barging in to see Lord Tao sitting down with a few ladies who is feeding him, one is pouring wine, while the other is holding food and was about to feed him. "What is that you want to disturb my lunch? It better be good for you, if you want to live." He says and right away the servant bow down an apology for interrupting the lord's lunch.

"We found him! But there is a problem."

"Have you really?! After 10 years we finally found him."

"Yes, my lord but there's a problem." He goes on saying to the lord.

"What problem?" The lord ask the servant.

"Well we believe he is residing in the land of the demons maybe."

"Oh~? We can kill the demons no problem then."

"But my lord, its not just any demon land that he is residing."

"Then what! Spill it already!" The lord shouted and all the ladies took it as a sign to leave the two alone to talk more in private.

The servant lower his head once again, "he reside in the demon lord's territory. The Jeon." 

Silence fell upon the lord until he shouted, "WHAT!?" As he stands up of the news and getting more angry by it.

"Forgive me, my lord."

"No, you did what you can for the information. If that is all you may leave." The servant took one more bow before leaving his lord alone in his chambers.

Lord Tao smile of the new as they have finally found him. "Guards!"

"Yes my lord?" One said through the door.

"Bring me my horse and bring two more with you."


Looking out at the north part of the land, where the demon lord Jeon ruled. "I finally found you. After ten years of hiding you finally show yourself to me. Victory will be mine soon." He grab his sword and walk out of his chambers to meet few guard who is waiting for him out in front of his mansion residents, along with his horse. He mount on and kick his horse from the side and ride out to the north part of the land, where the Jeons ruled that part of the land. Capturing the last remaining family of the Park, that said to carry the line of blue bloods.

Jungkook pov

The day went by so quick that night is already falling upon me. Earlier Jin came by and deliver my dinner and the wind blows again sending an uneasy feeling all around the city suddenly, first it was a sweet smell of cherries and now it's different. Strange, I walk up to look out the balcony which over view the city from afar and I see nothing different about it. A small tap on the door interrupt my train of thought, relieving Sarah my childhood friend coming in when I didn't say it's okay for her to enter. "Sarah? What are you want?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to visit you. Is that a problem?"


"Rude. You know that our parents did plan our arrange marriage."

"No, they haven't yet, beside it was along time ago. So it is no use anymore."

"Yes it is, Lord Jeon. It's just that the news haven't reach to you then."

"Sarah, if that is all you want to say then leave."

"But Jungkook~." Wrapping her hands around my arms, and I move out of the way.

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